Hey all! The mods kindly gave me permission to post this here. Its a pimp for a brand new comm, started by
vampgirly and myself,
tamakin84 : D
indigo_crypt is a brand spanking new comm which is open to all 'ships, all ratings and all works. We don't discriminate - we cherish all that we know and encourage you to all to introduce us to something we don't - something we have not experienced before!
Our main theme is Banners for Fictions. What the hell is that, you say? Artists can express their kinks, desires and preferences through their work and then throw it open to all authors who wish to bring their works to life... Authors muses get a dusting down and a shot of inspiration and artists get the chance to see their work translated into lovely gifts It's a lovin' sharin' community!! Plus, you all get the chance to win pretty awards for your troubles/participation!
Besides all the pretty arts, we have challenges!! Monthly challenges, mod challenges... pretty awards including Art of the Month, Fic of the Month and the Cheerleader Cordy Award for best supporter! Yep, there's gonna be plenty to see and plenty to do!!
Check out the profile page for the all the itty bitty details
So all you Buffy and Angel 'shippers.. authors AND artists.. head over and have a look see. And join!!
Plus, pimping of our comm is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED - we'd love ya forever and ever and ever!!
And affiliates? Yes, please!!! Drop me a comment here or over at indigo_crypt. All are welcome!!