I have 2 AIM sns now.. if you want to add it.
Starlit x Smile & my novacaine x
I LOVE snow days :D
I hope we get snowed in tomorrow. Then I can do my plans with Alysha & Brittni over.. because I'll be at my dad's and it won't be "too icy"..
Nothing else really to say
x crazi lover x is away at 5:15:09 PM.
my novacaine x: I am not a fuck,, you are a fuck.. you... you..
Auto response from x crazi lover x: GeTtInG mOuNtIaN deW yOu fUcKs! LOL
my novacaine x: FUCK!
x crazi lover x returned at 5:15:53 PM.
my novacaine x: LOL
x crazi lover x: lmao YES YOU UHHH BUMHOLE.. NO I LIKE FUCK
x crazi lover x:LOL DUDE IM LIKE HYPER
x crazi lover x: AHHH
my novacaine x: yeah... go get a mountain dew.. GOOD IDEA lol
x crazi lover x: lol i thought so
my novacaine x: lol
x crazi lover x: watch my fone go off and ill like fall outta the chair
my novacaine x: lol
x crazi lover x: lol
my novacaine x: lmao.. for some reason.. I can ABESOLUTELY see that.. lmao
x crazi lover x: lol
my novacaine x: hahaa
my novacaine x: mv,dmvfm askldfas ierj ;khbkjr uak;jhe q823 zkldjfa83pq8o23y7 aiowurft a;eu tq348b 84rg a
my novacaine x: *
my novacaine x: lol
x crazi lover x: lol wtf
my novacaine x: I don't know. I figured you like freak out and fall off your chair. lmao
x crazi lover x: lmao
my novacaine x: so, what did you do today?
x crazi lover x: mmm nuterin.. nicks comin over :D
my novacaine x: yayayayaayyyayayahoooooooo
x crazi lover x: lmao YYYAAYYY
x crazi lover x: IM GUNA GET LAID.. ha Jk iM a gOoD KiD
my novacaine x: mmhmm and cows are anoerexic
x crazi lover x: lmao THEY ARE I SWEAR
my novacaine x:lol
x crazi lover x: why do u think so much stuff comes out their butt
my novacaine x: lol
my novacaine x: lol
x crazi lover x: and if u walk in a feild of cows and see something n it isnt poo then ur like whats that? and they are all like our cows are aneroxic
x crazi lover x: lol
my novacaine x: lol yeah.. okay?
x crazi lover x: lol
...Kbye. (as Napoleon Dynamite would say on the phone.. lol Jenny)