
Apr 07, 2005 23:07

have you ever had one of those moments when you've lost all faith in humanity?...

"you will send the marines? we have no oil here, no diamonds here..."

I can only say that it is sickening to sit here and think about how the world turned its back on people being mercilessly slaughtered...i am ashamed to sit here and think about this...it sickens me to think about what could have been done, and what wasn't..."think of the implications to foreign policy!"...fuck you and your foreign policy...and you know what? it's not just people being malevolently killed...it's just this fucked up blind eye that so many people turn to the circumstances of people around the world...in the present moment there are innumerable people living around the chernobyl area, who are ingesting so much radiation that it's spiked the infant mortality rate astronomically...right about now, god knows how many people are dying of diseases, fuck, even hunger, and yet...i hear nothing about that in foreign policy, or not nearly enough....you know what i do hear in foreign policy?..."another 10 american soldiers have died today in iraq"...now...don't get me wrong....but guess what folks...we're at "war"...we've been at "war" for a couple years now....casualties are expected....but, to sit there and not even respond when someone tells you that people are dying for no reason whatsoever, is atrocious...i'm not trying to say that this is only a problem in foreign countries...it's a problem in certain ares of our own united states...to that end...i think the entire welfare system needs to be scrapped and remade...it's all but worthless...i think this entire country needs to quit worrying about "OH MY GOD, GAY'S ARE GETTING MARRIED" or "MICHAEL STRIKES AGAIN!!!"...and that's not even an american thing...i learned recently that of all the things that the major religions of jerusalem can agree upon, it's that they don't want a gay pride parade in jerusalem...this is horrible...

wake the fuck up....i don't give a fuck whether you want to get married...i do care about death...this is retarded...what the fuck is wrong with people?...what the hell has to happen for you to realize that your world is not limited to yourself and those immeadiatly around you?...what the fuck has to happen for you to begin to realize that yes, there are people with different religions that are like you, yes, there are people of different races that are like you, yes, there are people of different sexual orientations who are like you....wake the fuck up morons...do you know what this is?...this is fear....a fear of what you might find...you don't want to face the predicaments of others, why? because then you have to deal with them...there's a reason that no one wants to think about people living in conditions that to them appear unliveable, why? because then they must face and do something about it...and this isn't just a third world country thing, this goes right up the ladder...there's a reason that the largely urbanized ares feel like they're alienized...because they are....because you don't want to face the possibility that you, could be in the position that they are in...because you would soon find that these people are just like yourself...that they're not just victims of their own laziness or their own stupidity (both of which many attribute to lives in squalor) , but maybe, just maybe, they're also victims of their situations...

that idea was the same reasoning that black people shouldn't have rights, that women shouldn't vote, and that jews are of no consequence...you don't like that, do you?...the idea that i link you to some of the most hated ideas of the past centuries...well guess what?...the people who had these ideas were human, just like you...you don't like that either, eh?...the idea that the people who actually believed those ideas were not terribly different from yourself?...it's not easy to look into the mirror and face yourself, is it?...it's not easy to see the darker side of your humanity, is it?...well that's the only way that you'll ever be able to get yourself out of the rut you're in now...

i fucking hate humanity...and i fucking hate the american people...why? because they're so goddamn easy to distract...wake up people...instead of jumping to conclusions about someone's actions...maybe you should try talking to them, maybe then you'll get a glimpse at the life they live...and maybe, you'll see that the life you live, and waste, has so much more potential...i'm nauseated by the world i see...
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