May 22, 2006 11:35
so sunday i had the christening of the twins. chunk ate to much and slept through everything and kylie was rocking out... the priest was some what fucked up aka couldnt remember who anyone was and kept calling kristen celeste. it was aq good time...
MONDAY: end of the year party at josie's... havent been there since freshman assholeism. got the golden screw award for my creative uses of profanity (aka the mother of cock award) it was awesome.. oh yea i also got inked with the legions of the sun. i will forever remember these great times wth these great people no matter where i go now. even though we lost the stencil...
"yea i was looking up porn the other day" zeke
"and by porn do you mean boats" goofy mike
"yea he didnt like my idea for my award the positively perfect in every way award" rachel
"how about the back in your hole hobbit award" me
"ouch you cut deep but nice" rachel
oh i love these guys.
next week more boating and zekes birthday
there was a pink tiara involved... he wore it.. and most of the time not on his head
*breaking peices of chocolate tools and walking around giving it to us all sitting and finally going "do this in memory of me" and crossing himself*
i love this religion we get chocolate and beer instead of wine and bread.
life is good