Nov 02, 2004 00:19
Halloween was fun got lots of candy..felt kinda left out cause there was the scoby gang but then there was woody and JT(with a hammer) fun stuff.. I kept getting stepped on it got annoying after a while. Got home around 9 had a good time. Today wasnt that exciting ...only I woke up late ...I showered and dressed and made myself pretty in 15 min how I did it I have no clue. I have a test wed and I have some hw. I came home after my meeting of CC and relaxed it was nice. I saw the movie SAW with mallory and matt omg it was intence but soooo good I cant describe what it was about without saying everything about the movie. I am going to sleep in tomorrow cause no some some things for my mom...mabye see a movie no sure..then go to melissa to study for a test I have. Thats all I really have for now. Omg today in mythology was great we drew another picture I dont get it it feels like I am in first grade oh well I got to do my math hw and talk to chris he is a funny kid and stupid at time...oh well....gotta love ur friends. Dev hun I love u and dont worry I am alwasy here to listen...also all my friends I wil always listen if yah have a problem charge..hehe....Tired..Bed....Byebye
Melissa my love get welll.........I need to see ur beautiful face before CANCUN...22 DAYS BABBY WHOOOOT