Oct 01, 2004 16:57
I havent up-dated in a long time I have been busy with meets and all that fun stuff. I have done some great times on my meets all personal records so far..whoot. I cant really remember what has been going on..to much lol. Well I got asked to homecoming but I said no because I dont really want a date but I said I would dance with him....he said i was beautiful but he tells everyone that...so i have heard..he just wants my boooty.....lol...jk. I have a meet tomorrow and its a easy course so I hope I do well. Then after my meet I am going to grandrapids for a wedding. My sister arrived yesterday and she went to straight to Hailey dont I feel loved.....lol. The wedding I hope will be fun Brandon said he cant go but oh well what are yah going to do. Jt is goin to help watch luvy cause nobody else can. I am thinking that I am happy with no guy in my life I think it makes things a lil easier for now. Mallory has a date for hc its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I am so glad to see her happy she deserves it. My dad is goin to be at hc with Pam and I am so mad about that it gives me a reasson not to go but I will go cause my close friends are coming over before so. I am taking my dirves test tuesday I am so scared i will probly fail. Thats all I have for now. Byebye.