K Hates The Daily Campus, part 8

Sep 20, 2011 19:50

At this point I am 90% certain that Nicolas Tomboulides reads this blog.

I am also 100% certain that if you do a Google search for "The Daily Campus", I COME UP, WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN KNOW.

The post to which I am referring to is this one: http://www.dailycampus.com/commentary/unborn-fetuses-need-help-akin-to-abolitionist-movement-1.2598960

And you know, for a while I was amused to rail against Nic's know-nothing grumblings about the his delusional view of the world. But I think he's just gone too far this time. I'm going to see what I can to to put a leash on him, because his anti-woman rantings should not be the sort of trash UConn is proud to display in its paper.

I've talked about this subject before, but it bears repeating. So let's take a look at the misogynistic cesspool that is Nic's latest abomination.

It's pretty ugly. Are you sitting down? Nic makes a direct comparison between abortion and slavery as it existed in pre-abolition America. Yeah, that just happened. Somehow, in Nic's twisted, woman-hating mind, there is some sort of parallel between a slave owner keeping a slave for labor, and a woman being victim to a parasite. Though, it actually does kind of work if you switch it around and compare the woman to the slave and the master to the fetus: The master/fetus unjustly takes from the slave/woman, while the slave/woman can do little to nothing to escape this arrangement. So assume it's Opposite Day, Nic is actually exactly correct for once. Though come to think of it, the same could be said for everything Nic writes.

Most of the article rests on his original premise being correct, which I've already debunked. He also goes on to call some of the more prominent figures in Planned Parenthood racist, which is an ad hominem attack that has nothing to do with the life-saving services they provide to women. But then, it's no surprise to me that Nic is quick to attack Planned Parenthood so viciously.

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