Aug 06, 2008 18:30
I'm going to talk about a few things that have nothing to do with fandoms or anything frivolous. I'm going to speak about political issues.
First, I am aware that some on my flist will probably get offended by my views. Don't take it personally, but your feelings are not important to me right now, so if you do get offended... deal with it.
I have always considered myself to be a Freedom over Order type guy. I have always been very Liberal in my beliefs, until I learned that a lot of Liberal beliefs nowadays conflict greatly with MY freedom. I'll get to the conflicts a bit later, for now I want to list my Liberal beliefs and the corresponding caveats I place on each one.
I believe that a woman has the right to decide when it comes to her body, but I also believes that there should be a time limit on when the decision can be made.
I believe that homosexuals should have the right to civil unions and all the rights that go to heterosexual married couples. I do not believe that a homosexual union should be considered or called a marriage, because a marriage is the bonding of two opposites, and that begins and ends with a man and woman.
I believe that minorities have the right to all the rights that white people have, but I do not believe that they should receive preferential treatment to assuage somebody's guilt over past wrongs.
I believe that animals should be treated well, but they are not "people too" and their rights are only those that their owners allow them.
I believe that people have the right to be offended, but I also believe that everybody else has the right to ignore them. This is more in the same vein as the previous listing, but it fits here too, because say I am wearing a leather coat and you hate that an animal died to clothe me. You can say anything you want about my coat, but if you attempt to damage it, that's your ass and you lost the right to sue when you tried to damage private property.
Okay, that's about the gist of my Liberal leanings. Now, I will go into the hard core conflicts.
I do not believe that criminals have rights. When you run from the cops or you are caught literally red-handed, your rights are gone and you gave them up. When you are in prison, you should be worked until you're half dead and unable to put up any kind of fight. Work men into the ground and nearly to death, and there won't be near as many prison rapes.
I believe in the death penalty. If you rape/murder someone, then you have killed yourself. No exceptions, no appeals, NO waiting on Death Row for years. You do it, you're tried as soon as possible and if convicted, you die the next day.
I believe I have the right blow your ass away if you invade my home or attempt to steal anything that belongs to me. My possessions mean more to me than your life does.
I believe that our society became as great as it is, because of the free market. Capitalism has made US what we are and nobody has the right to regulate that. If you want it, pay for it. If it's incredibly expensive, save up.
I believe that everybody that comes to this country LEGALLY has the right to the pursuit of happiness. That does not mean you will be happy or that you deserve happiness, just that you have the right to chase it like everybody else.
I do not believe that illegal immigrants have rights. They are not citizens and as such are breaking our laws. They should be deported, or shot.
I believe that ENGLISH is the language of America, and that if you don't know it, tough titty. Learn it. We should not be bending over backwards to make it easier for illegal immigrants to sneak in and hide out, when LEGAL immigrants DO learn English so they can make it.
My freedoms that I value so much are being eaten away little by little.
The first was free speech. We used to be able to say anything we wanted without having to worry about being sued.
The second was the freedom of religion. We used to be able to get away from religion if we chose to. Now, we have the Muslim religion being shoved in our faces and are told exactly how we can and cannot deal with them.
The third deals more with not being forced to accept things that we disagreed with . This will get me in hot water with some of you probably, but I'm going to say it anyway. If you're gay, good for you, but I don't have to recognize it as "normal." It is an alternative lifestyle that you may or may not have chosen, but it should not be recognized as a normal relationship. You have the right to do whomever you choose, but I have the right to ignore your opinions. At least, that's the way it used to be. Now, we have teachers reading books about homosexuals to little kids so that the kids will grow up "tolerant" of others.
I don't believe that anybody has the right to teach my child about sex but ME. That is my parental right, to discuss the birds and the bees and answer any questions that might arise. It is not the teacher's job to do so. Nor is it the Liberal's job to tell me that my child NEEDS to be more tolerant.
I have a very good approach to dealing with alternative lifestyles and religions. I don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home. I don't care if you worship Allah, Siva, or the Great Spaghetti Monster. I don't care if you fuck women, men, or even animals. I don't care if you're a guy dressing like a girl, a girl dressing like a guy or if you're a tranny. That's your business, and my name's Joe and I don't want to know. Keep that shit to yourself and everything will be cool with me.
Now, now, I will speak on Mr. Articulate (only when he's got a teleprompter) Obama.
I'm not a fan of John McCain. I wouldn't vote for him in a million years. However, it's extremely sad to say this, but he's the better choice. He can speak without having to have a teleprompter, and he actually has some experience to speak of. Obama is a moron. He's a Socialist/Communist that wants to take the money that hard working people make and give it to those that do nothing, just so the wealth is more evenly distributed. He wants to make it so that hard working people are paying for their children to go to college, but that they're also paying for the deadbeat down the street's kids too.
Also, Obama wants to take tons of our money and send it to Africa! We got problems over here that need fixing first, but Barry is more concerned with Ooom Foo Foo and Click-Tock-Tock-Clack. I hate to be crass here, but I don't really give two shits about Africa. We have homeless people over here that need taking care of.
Despite my beliefs, I am not close-minded, and will discuss any of my points with anybody that can keep a civil tongue and cool head. If you're a rabid supporter of any of the above, you're welcome to discuss, but mind your tone and language.