(no subject)

Apr 15, 2012 01:00

This is the twin letter i wrote from my last campaign. she's trying get to know her twin through this letter. I know most of this won't make sense without context but I'm okay with that. Falcon


I can't call you by your name as we have the same name, it is too strange for me. I'm not good at words, or dealing with emotions. It's actually kind of hard for me to write this out. I know for you it has been 2 years when for me it has been only a moment. I know that you are sorry for what happened. The sad thing is that if I was in your position I never would have found out that you were my sister. I would have killed you even as you were human freeing you as a pawn from Hammond. The fact you had my face wasn't as hard for me to bear as it was possible to happen with magic. It enraged me for you to have my face and name but never knowing why. I'm not exactly the easiest person to talk to even if I am reasonable.

I had a choice to come back, to wake up. Endless fields of grains, a chance to hear you out. I wasn't sure who had to talk to me but I know now that it was you. I could have gone onward, there was that choice. I wasn't done here yet.

I don't know what you know about what happened and why we did this. We were thrown into this with no clue, we're just kids. I don't know if you ever were a kid being raised as a crown princess. The first we knew was a predator in the village, thrust into this. Watching our parents dying and not understanding why.

Yys wasn't a bad place looking back on it, though I couldn't wait to see what else was out there. I don't know how much you know about our mother from what they told you. I didn't know my our mother, Carmen was a princess until we were already on the journey, she even called her old fancy clothes silly. She was hard, organized and felt she had a duty to the town. She was the leader of the Outriders of Yys, which meant she often away. Our father, Korlan, taught the village boys to fight if something were happen unfortunately he turned to alcohol for solace. Of the three of us I was the most interested in learning the sword; what this means is that I had our mother's temperament and Father's gifts with the sword. The scar on my face is from a duel, the first duel I won from him. I never fought him again. Kevin was the eldest brother, and a disappointment to Father. He was practical and hopeful for something better. He was the blacksmith and was content with the work, he loved our town. Conner wanted to use a bow just as well as Mother. He seemed so innocent in my memories.

Most my friends that you fought we all grew up in this town. There were 7 of us who all grew up there, 8 if you count Leanna. Two lived at the church, one there and any convenient spot. One was the innkeeper’s son, good fighter. Our bombing master of herbs, son of Dorian Von, nicest guy (crazy intelligent) he just liked bombs and herbs. Then there was the pranking terror twins. Not twins like we are, but a gnome and a halfling, both with an odd sense of humor and magic. One can actually fight well, I respect them. And you might wonder why since I have a distaste of magic. This journey caused us to if we weren't friends before, to at least to care for each other. I was not exactly nice, I'm still not nice. You don't need to be nice to be good. None of those kids were quite my friends growing up, I was too self important and focused on becoming the best fighter I could be.

We were a farming village. We had two automated bridges so that the Ferries could pass through with no troubles. I'm not sure I could accurately describe it.

Look, when we last fought we were at a peak, ready for a final battle. The sword I asked about was our father's and I need to find it. To find out if we finished this. I don't want this cycle to continue ever again. We promised that this would be the last cycle to someone and I really don't want to be on his bad side. I'm not quite ready to settle down yet and when I do I hope to start a fighting school by the sea. I found out while on this journey that I love the sea. Even if we only traveled through it in a short amount of our journey. I'm afraid that if I stay I'll be eaten alive by the nest of vipers you call courtiers, and be useless. The only thing I am good for is my sword. It's the only thing I know.

I feel indebted to you, even though I barely know you. I am not afraid of getting to know you and hope that even as I travel about for a while, I hope that I am welcome to visit you. I hope you will be well and I wish to share stories with you the next time we meet.

With hope, your sister,


fic, d&d

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