HellCrawl Monologues

Oct 12, 2010 10:56

so my current writing obsession is a script for interviews maybe like some reality show... but it's inspired by CreativeJuices7 D&D PHB PSAs. good shit in 50 episodes and funny. unfortunetly it might not make as much sense if you don't know anything about d&d.

so i've got six more character intro's to do before i'm done with "Meet the Casualties" as Day Zero has been Nicknamed. i plan to finish that today and then print it out to toss at my players and watch their faces as they realize i've gone nuts. but i am also using this as a way to get words on paper before NaNoWriMo. i typed 4 pages of script last night before going to sleep... one page was char descriptions but otherwise it's about 3.2 or so minutes of script.

here's hoping i'm not bonkers


writing, hellcrawl monologues, d&d

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