lord save me from this.

May 28, 2005 15:30

wow so here i am with only a minute amidst the chaos. i snuck out of my room while everyone is napping to type this. well not really, they don't keep me locked away or anything. bitch please! but anyway my family is so crazy. i hate it. nothing can be simple it is always bitch and nag and complain and argue etc. like EVERYTHING. not a moment's peace. even if no one on the planet gives a shit in any way (in the slightest) about the subject at hand but since they are the most briliant expert at everything the have to add their 7 cents. and that just so happens to contradict the opinion of everyone else in the room who feels so apt to share this revelation and tell the first person how wrong they are. after 12 years of this shit every day you can imagine that i am totally sensitive to this so now when i have the option, i just go to my room. then my family gets angry that i don't participate in their asanine ritual bickering and that i am trying to "not be a part of the family". i don't know that they could be more right. if i could i would vary rarly see them again. i don't get anything from them i don't expect anything from them and i am not really all that prepared to do anything all that special for them. i don't mean to sound bitter or angry or whatever but that's kinda just the way it is. anyway i am gunna go get ready for this horrible dumb idea of party. oh by the way you are all invited. it is 4-7 on sunday. especially bock, seriously dude be there. you can just stop in and leave if you wanna. take care.
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