Apr 15, 2005 22:46
so about yeaterday's blog... finally e mailed her today saying we should hang out this weekend and she promptly replied and agreed, adding that she thought i was cute. wow. that was an exciting discovery. anyway i pretty much couldn't stop smiling and that was sixth period. we went to our game (by the way riverside softball sux hardballs) and i pitched the whole muther fucker. now i pretty much can't raise my arm above my sholder. owww. anything for my team, right? what ever. so now i get to pretend i am gunna go to sleep and truly just think long and hard about how not to screw this up. after all, that's what abbe's do best, no?
peices outside
by the way did bocko get a ride (preferably with a non-pedaphile) lil abner was bangin'-ish not totally but decent