Dec 18, 2007 20:46
I can't leave it there. Negativity just shrivels my soul until I feel like the Grinch with a heart 3 times too small. Or was it four?
I have a lot to be grateful for, not the least of which is I'm alive, mostly healthy, have family, friends, a supportive, loving husband, a good home and we don't starve.
Right off the bat, that's a LOT to be grateful for!
I'm a spoilt brat sometimes and I think this might be one of those times.
The brain doesn't want to let this go. Good thing LJ allows editing.
Sometimes I wish I was one of those writers who writes whatever comes to mind, good, bad, ugly, questionable.
But I'm not and I cringe when I read a story that has a character doing something I personally can't EVER see them doing.
I respect that other writer has a differing point of view, and has the right to write whatever she wants.
I also think it's crap.
No, I don't tell her that! Sheesh. I'm not heartless. She's got talent, she just wallows in mediocrity and seems to have fun so I'm certainly not going to go over and ruin the pool party.
I just come here and bitch. :p
It bugs me to read the beginning of a promising story and then BAM! Suddenly Obi-wan is an emotional mess, crying and unable to deal with his problems (especially when said problem is Quigs dumping him for Anakin).
Let me address several things, eh? Get them off my chest before I 'splode and, it's verra messy, dat.
1.) Obi-wan Kenobi is a Jedi. In my not so humble opinion, that means several things. It means he has learned to control his body, his mind, and his actions. He thinks before he speaks and acts. He is self-aware. He is responsible.
Sure, he might mess up and pop off a smart ass comment, he is human and frankly, I treasure those moments! *g* Georgy shows Jedi as always calm, somber, in control, yadda, blah, blah.
I don't. I think most of the time you wouldn't want to play poker with a Jedi but they still put their pants on one leg at a time, still have to use the loo, still brush their teeth.
They bleed. They die.
Anakin proved that.
2.) This issue of insecurity. Some writers, especially slash ones, love to portray Obi-wan as an insecure pup no matter that he has no braid, sports a gerbil beard, and has grey hair.
This annoys me greatly people.
Okay. As a KID, Obi-wan Kenobi had issues. Most of us do, most of us STILL do.
Jedi do not. Not to the point of neurosis. Not to the point that his master taking a new padawan once Obi-wan is knighted knocks poor Kenobi off his game and he gets drunk and cries and goes out and lays the first guy he comes across because damnit, he loves his master and his master doesn't love him!!
Uh huh. I really would have to point out this sounds more like a writer's issue, and not something a rational, highly-trained Jedi Knight (or padawan) would do. Sure, you can write it, but's not Obi-wan.
This is the same guy who stayed out in Tatooine's Jundland Wastes out beyond the Dune Sea for 21 years watching over the kid of the fellow who tried to slice, dice and julian fry him. This is the same guy who sticks around after he's dead to make sure the aforementioned kid stays on track and has guidance.
This is not an insecure man. Yes, he made mistakes. I only know of one person who is perfect and they crucified Him.
Obi-wan Kenobi was annoyed at Qui-gon Jinn during that council meeting, we all saw that. But it was for the way Quigs handled it, not because he felt he was being shunted aside.
Okay, follow me here.
Jedi initiates work hard to become padawans.
Padawans train and work their asses off, devoting their lives to being knighted. It's their goal, it's their desire.
It's also the master's goal.
Okay, following?
SO. Obi-wan didn't want to remain Qui-gon Jinn's padawan forever. In fact by the age of 25, I imagine he was looking forward to being knighted and getting on with his life.
It was what both of them had worked for since Obi-wan was twelve! WHY would that make him feel insecure? So Quigs has wretched timing, that's nothing new! Obi-wan doubtless understands the quirks of a man like Quigs better than almost anyone.
3.) I so seriously, sincerely doubt that Obi-wan was jealous of Anakin. I don't see it. I think he worried about the kid, was concerned Anakin was dangerous (because HE WAS), and worried that Quigs was going off half-cocked. Again. Obi-wan is a control nut. He operates on control. Detail. Knowing the facts before they're needed, and being prepared.
Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi Scout!
Quigs threw serious wrinkles in that all the time, and I know that must have annoyed Obi-wan endlessly (and amused Quigs endlessly). This is, later, why the Anakin and Obi-wan partnership works. They balance.
I won't point fingers because both of them blew it, but to lay ALL the blame on Kenobi? Unh-uh, not in my world. Anakin had a choice and the responsibility for the consequences of that choice fall directly upon his whiny-ass shoulders in my book.
Obi-wan paid his penance in those 21 years watching over Luke and dodging the Empire. He paid, and paid and paid.
And yes, it annoys me.
Someday I'll write something that explores Vader's pov and maybe it'll give me empathy for Anakin.
Don't hold your breath....I'd hate to go to your funeral. :p
sw sandbox,
writing blather,
obi-wan kenobi