The Twelve Days of Christmas
for falcondarkstar:
Day #Who?What they got you1st
cpurtotuedra one-man puppet show using three simultaneous puppets2nd
haruka2001A all expense paid trip to the Red Light District3rd
ur_brwn_eyed_gra tray of lewd ice cubes4th
tamaeaan inverse restraining order, requiring you to be 'coupled' at all times5th
procella_lamiaa gigantic vagina in your yard, drawn in flaming gasoline6th
haruka2001a gigantic vagina in your yard, drawn in flaming gasoline7th
demonslayer84a small, laminated card stating, 'ALL ACCESS - TO ME!'8th
ur_brwn_eyed_grA blog for all of your sexual writings9th
cpurtotuedrA bottle of everyman's Viagara10th
ur_brwn_eyed_gra tube of Crabs-Be-Gone11th
masterjoela butt-plug12th
chibi18A creepy sexual poem that they wrote in 2nd person narration
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Ali Chastity
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