Permissions Post

Jan 09, 2012 18:16

So, Sasuke has haxmagic eyes. What does this mean for you? Why, it means this post of course! It also means that he can cast illusions. Quote from the application:

They require direct eye contact; mirrors and cameras won't help him. Also, for magibabble reasons that nobody cares about it only works on things with a forebrain (i.e. vertebrates). So insects and robots (among others) are immune. The illusions can affect all the senses, including pain (crucio!); an Uchiha trademark is one where the victim appears to be impaled by rusty metal spikes.

Note that, unlike canon, he can't mind-control people or animals. So he can't order someone to jump off a cliff, but he could make them think there's a bridge leading to the other side (when there isn't).

So are you okay with your character falling for one of his tricks? Would they not be affected? Let me know!

permissions, ooc

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