Recent Developments

Apr 30, 2008 22:12

Hey all,
Well its been a while since I updated but thought that I'd better do so.  Writing has currently taken a bit of a back seat whilst I work incessantly on Falcata Times.  Well with the new issue out and the next one currently well in hand (I have three interviews ready to roll) Ive decided to get back to getting on with my own tales of Daring Do.  LOL

Now recently problems with this is that I keep getting visits from the Ninja Plot Bunnies who keep throwing curve balls my way.  Why do you ask?  Well to be honest I had the idea ready to roll and all of a sudden I heard the character voice saying "Dont forget about my time in the Navy."  I mean what the hell?  What time in the Navy?  Are we talking real navy or sort of Village People "In the Navy"?  Well after laughing my ass off for a few minutes at that thought I sat down and worked out what was what.

1)  She originally signed up for a tour as it meant 3 sqares a day.
2)  Navy was safest Armed Service as the Supernaturals and salt water arent exactly on the best of buddy terms.  (Main encounters are Ghost Ships but Im not going too into that as theres details that I dont want to ruin the plot.)  LOL
3)  It made sure that her mechanic training was all done as well as throwing in some weapons handling and general self defence.

So now rather than working on a full story Im planning a short story for her to feature in just to "road test" her as a character.  IE will she be strong enough to carry a plot on her own or does she need some serious work.  Now hopefully I'll be able to get the short story written shortly (no pun intended) just to see how things pan out.  So prepare for it in the OWG or in your mail box.
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