Aug 07, 2006 17:23
like it say im usaly nice 24/7 but thiers a fue days where ill jsut be a total asshole to every one since of a fue things going on in my personal life and if you cant handel it fuck you and let me get to fixing it stanger then ill beabel to call you friend again if you want to be tricked again in for giving me then go right ahead since i know youll g et pissed off again then forgive me more then finaly relize that its all a host into seeing a person who is accualy trying ot help himself out by helping you out so inreturn i want help for helping you so help me out by GIVE ME A FUCKING DOLLOR! well i want to start a charity to help all kinds of people 1st and formost people have to unite to help oneanother and be as a gruop of people that are totaly unbreakabel by anymeans so this goes out to all the LoZeRs, geeks, nerds, goths, preps, girls, whores, guys, manwhore, and jsut dumb people... well if you see some one like me helping himself out try and see some thing going on and help me out so i cna help you out unless you are helping youself out so jsut call me stanger again then ill forgive you in tricking me