Thoughts on Sin

Jul 31, 2009 18:25


Stephanie: Essentially the science version of Adam and Eve? :p
Michael: KIND OF like science's Adam and Eve except really really metaphorical.
Stephanie: right
Stephanie: well
Michael: Plus that suggests science has dogma. :P
Stephanie: the "real" adam and eve was metaphorical too
Stephanie: :P
Michael: Tell that to [my friend].
Stephanie: I love how people think we are all uber decedents of incest.
Michael: Hah.
Stephanie: Bet THAT isn't in the bible :p
Michael: Nope.
Stephanie: Cause I wanna know how we got more humans without either Eve's kids fucking her, or fucking each other :p
Michael: Fucking her.
Michael: She had two kids (that were mentioned).
Michael: Cain and Abel.
Stephanie: yeah
Stephanie: No wonder we're all screwed up :p
Michael: Wait, no, it's mentioned that Cain had a wife.
Stephanie: right
Michael: So Adam and Eve had unmentioned kids.
Stephanie: but HOW
Michael: Girls aren't important enough to get names, after all.
Stephanie: ^^
Michael: Incest is best!
Stephanie: I wonder what an activist would tell me if I asked that
Michael: lol
Stephanie: Oh, laughter would ensue. While I ran away from crazy.
Michael: The answer the apologists come up with is that Adam and Eve had "purer" genomes (not that that means anything) and so incest wasn't a bad thing back then.
Michael: But then we sinned!
Stephanie: ...
Stephanie facepalms
Michael: And as we all know, sin is VERY similar to an ultraviolet ray, so our DNA was corrupted.
Michael: So LOGICALLY, that means light is evil, because UV rays are nothing more than more highly excited photons.
Stephanie: XD
Michael: One day, God will initiate the End Times, beginning with the Rapture.
Michael: But nobody will notice, because the only people who God has deemed to be clean enough of sin will be those who are clean of photons: the pasty white computer nerds in their mom's basement.
Stephanie: ...
Stephanie: XD

It's all in the Bible, folks. You'll have to trust me on this one.

incest, theology, the rapture

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