This one's less funny and more informative.
Galadriel is supposed to be tied for second greatest of all Elves, but despite that she doesn't ever seem to DO much. She's missing for the entirety of the War of the Jewels, shows up long enough in the Second Age to accept Nenya, and then all but vanishes again until the War of the Ring.
For that reason, I combed Unfinished Tales and whatever History of Middle-earth references I could find do get a definitive history for Artanis Nerwen from the time of the Exile to her return to Valinor. The subject itself was heavilly derived from UT's Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn and of Amroth King of Lórien, so I used that title here. Also please note that I am currently re-evaluaing the history of the Elessar, and what is written here may have errors in it.
One final note -- like many of my outlines, I wrote as I read, and it was composed for my own sake. Therefore, it may read a bit oddly in places.
The History of Galadriel of Celeborn and of Amroth King of Lórien
PREFACE: I shall take notes of everything. After which I shall make a Grand Master Canon Outline, taking all that is most recent concerning these three, and doing my best to reconcile it into the most canon history. Of course, it is not canon in the sense of the fandom, for it will completely be opposed to that which is published in the Silmarillion. Thus, it poses no worth in actual historic discussion, but I do it anyway because I’m a sucker for canon-izing the good Professor’s final ideals, even if I personally despise them. Hmmm…
Lord of the Rings drafts
- Galadriel passes over the Blue Mountains prior to the Ruin of Beleriand.
- In Lórien, she meets Celeborn, a Nando. They are wed.
- Thus, ever since, Galadriel has been the Lady of Lórien.
1967 letter: Galadriel is banned because she acted in the Kinslaying
Appendix B, The Road Goes Ever On (1968)
- Celeborn is a Sinda.
- His wife is Galadriel. They dwelt for a time in Lindon, but eventually went into Eregion
Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn - post LotR
- Celeborn is the grandson of Elmo.
- Galadriel meets him in Doriath.
- The two were present at the Ruin of Doriath. They aid Elwing in her escape to the havens
- Following the War of Wrath they dwell for a time in Lindon.
- They then pass over the Blue Mountains. They dwell near Nenuial, with Ñoldor, Sindar, and Nandor in their company.
- They are Lord and Lady of the Eldar of Eriador.
- 350-400 Birth of Amroth their son
- 500 Galadriel detects Sauron
- 700 She thus establishes Eregion, primarily Ñoldorin.
- Celeborn is racist, but Galadriel knows that the evil of Morgoth won’t fall without unity
- 750 Ost-in-Edhil is built, chief city of Eregion
- 1000 Sauron chooses Mordor as his realm, because it was near to the Númenórean havens of the South
- 1200 Sauron, at last feeling secure against the Númenóreans, comes to Eregion in the form of Annatar
- Galadriel had come to the Nandorin realm of Lindórinand.
- Thus, she was successful in shutting Sauron out of Lindórinand. Gil-galad rejected Sauron in Lindon. But Celebrimbor welcomed Sauron.
- 1350-1400 Celebrimbor and his brotherhood, the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, seize power from Galadriel. She and her two children pass through the Dwarf-realm to Lindórinand.
- 1500 Sauron creates the One. Celebrimbor rejects Sauron. He seeks counsel with Galadriel; Nenya she is given. Vilya and Narya are sent to Gil-galad.
- 1695 Sauron attacks Eregion. Elrond is sent to defend, but Eregion is far away.
- Celeborn leads a sortie against Sauron; and though he is able to join Elrond’s host, Sauron’s is still the greater. Sauron seizes the Seven and the Nine. Celebrimbor is killed.
- Sauron turns to battle. Elrond would not have escaped if not for the Dwarf host, and the Elves of Lindórinand.
- 1697 Founding of Imladris. Sauron turns back to the Dwarves. The West-gate is shut, and Moria has Sauron’s hate.
- Sauron marches towards Lindon, leaving a small detachment to contain Elrond.
- Suddenly, the Númenóreans save the day! YAY!
- Slaughter at Sarn Ford!
- Sauron himself hardly escapes the Battle of Gwathló.
- Uh oh! Another Númenórean attack east of Calenardhon!
- Total Sauron-army survivors: Sauron and one bodyguard.
- Amroth is made King of Lórien. Galadriel and Celebrían come to Imladris, where they are united with Celeborn.
- The First White Council. Imladris is to be maintained. Vilya is bestowed upon Elrond.
- C. 1800 The Númenóreans begin establishing permanent settlements.
- Galadriel, Celeborn, Celebrían come to Belfalas with Nandorin Elves.
- In 1981 of the Third Age Amroth is lost. Galadriel returns to Lindórinand.
Shibboleth of Fëanor - 1968
- Finarfin learns the tongue of the Teleri
- Weds Eärwen daughter of King Olwë
- Has four children; Finrod, Galadriel are two
- Galadriel: Greatest of the Ñoldor sans Fëanor
- Her hair seemed to have ensnared the light of the Two Trees within them.
- Fëanor asks for a tress thrice; each time she refuses. But Fëanor conceives the Silmarilli.
- Kinslaying: Galadriel, though determined to follow Fëanor, aids the Teleri rather than the Ñoldor.
- Galadriel comes to Middle-earth
- Following the War of Wrath, Galadriel rejects the Pardon.
- Following the War of the Ring, Galadriel passes the last test, and returns to Aman
Amroth and Nimrodel - 1969
- Haven of Belfalas founded by Sindarin Elves at the beginning of the Second Age
- After Wars of Eriador, Celeborn goes to Lindórinand with Ñoldor, Galadriel and Daughter to Lindon.
- Celeborn goes to Lindon after Sauron looks East, leaving Lórien to Amdír.
- Amdír, a Sinda, was King until his death at the Dagorlad (3434)
- Amroth loves Nimrodel yay.
- Galadriel and Celeborn travel Middle-earth, coming first to Amroth
- They talk of Dol Guldar
- Galadriel and Celeborn travel Rhovanion
- They come to Imladris
- In 1981, Amroth and Nimrodel agree to be wed in Aman
- Amroth and Nimrodel are separated. Amroth comes to Belfalas (where Galadriel was?)
- Nimrodel sleeps on the Gilrain.
- STORMS A BREWIN’! Amroth is drowned.
- Nimrodel comes to Belfalas
- 1980 Galadriel and Celeborn come to Lórien and Lord and Lady
- Imrazor marries Nimrodel’s companion, Mithrellas
The Last Writing
- So far as joining Fëanor, she was in every way unlike him.
- Galadriel has sought to part from Aman, for she had already received full tutelage. Manwë had not forbidden her.
- Pondering her course of action, she goes to Alqualondë, and meets Teleporno grandson of Olwë.
- They build a ship so that they may pass into Middle-earth.
- Melkor reappears and destroys the Two Trees. In the mess of Fëanor’s rebellion, Galadriel realizes that Manwë would no longer grant leave.
- Galadriel plays no part in Fëanor’s revolt. She instead fights heroically against the Ñoldor.
- Galadriel and Celeborn grab their ship and flee Aman.
- They arrive at Cirdan’s haven shortly before Fëanor, and are welcome.
- Galadriel realizes that the War of the Jewels is fruitless under the Valarin Ban.
- The two pass over the Blue Mountains before the end of the War of the Jewels.
- Galadriel refuses the Pardon.
- In Gondolin, Enerdhil makes the Elessar for Idril
- Idril gives Elessar to Eärendil
- Eärendil bares the Elessar West
- Possibility One:
- Yavanna has the Elessar sent East
- Olórin and Galadriel chat in Lorien
- Olórin gives Elessar to Galadriel
- Possibility Two:
- Celebrimbor and Galadriel chat
- Celebrimbor makes new Elessar
- Galadriel receives Elessar
- Tolkien later says that Celebrimbor made both Elessars, but this is impossible because he was later made a Feanorian.
- Thus, I choose Possibility Two. Maybe Celebrimbor learned from Enerdhil at some point following the Fall. I dunno.
First Age:
Galadriel is the daughter of Finarfin and Eärwen. She was a quick student; it didn’t take long for her to learn all that could be learned in Aman. She sought to return to Middle-earth, so that her tutelage could be increased. Manwë had neither forbidden her nor allowed it. She went to Alqualondë, and there met Teleporno of the Teleri. Together, they built a ship that would return them to Middle-earth. However, Melkor destroyed the Two Trees before they could set sail. Following the Ñoldorin uprising, Galadriel fought valiantly against her kindred in defense of the Teleri. Nonetheless, she wanted to return to Middle-earth. Knowing that given the actions of the Ñoldor Manwë would forbid such an action, she leapt into her ship and sailed east with Teleporno; and with them came tree Teleri. Thus, she fell under the Doom of the Ñoldor, guiltless though she may be.
She arrived at one of Círdan’s havens (which if the wording of the Silmarillion doesn’t deceive me is Eglarest), and was welcomed due to her kinship with Thingol. This happens shortly after the First Battle, but before Fëanor arrives and the Dagor-nuin-Giliath is fought. But even after the Siege is established, Galadriel refuses to have anything to do with the War of the Jewels, for she realizes (much as Fëanor had) that it is a useless endeavour. Rather, she dwells in Menegroth for a time, and learns from Melian the Wise. Sometime after the delving of Nargothrond, however, she and Celeborn head East, and cross over the Blue Mountains. It can be said that she dwells with the Nandor, in the areas about Nenuial.
When Morgoth was thrown down, Galadriel refused the pardon of the Valar, and so thus was a permanent ban placed upon her.
Second Age:
After the War of Wrath, many Ñoldorin and Sindarin Elves came to Nenuial; thus Galadriel and Celeborn were said to be the Lord and Lady of Eriador. However, soon Galadriel and Celeborn realize that an evil agent was controlling malicious events in Middle-earth, and he was abiding in the East. Thus, circa 700 Second Age, the two establish the primarily Ñoldorin realm of Eregion. With them is Celebrimbor son of Curufin. Ost-in-Edhil, the chief city of Eregion, was built at around 750. Sometime between then and the year II.1200, Galadriel would commence traffic between Eregion and the the Nandorin realm of Lindórinand. Recently, a Sinda named Amdír came into power in Lindórinand. At some point, Galadriel’s presence would be enough to rename the realm Lorinánd. Perhaps at about this time Galadriel realizes that mellyrn will grow in this realm.
Before Sauron’s coming, Celebrimbor made an Elessar for Galadriel.
In the year 1200, Sauron (in the guise of Annatar) befriended the craftspeople of Eregion, against the counsel of Galadriel. Between the years of 1350 and 1400, Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mírdain seized power from Galadriel and Celeborn. Celeborn was permitted to remain in Eregion, but Galadriel and Celebrían (born sometime after 400) retreated east, to Lorinánd. There they remained until the forging of the Rings of Power, in year 1500. When Celebrimbor realized that he was deceived, he immediately traveled east to Lorinánd. There, Galadriel and he had counsel. Nenya was given to Galadriel, and Vilya and Narya were sent to High King Gil-galad in Lindon.
Nearly two hundred years later, Sauron attacked Eregion. Celeborn attempted to lead a sortie against Sauron’s army, but it seemingly failed to accomplish much. Elrond was sent to defend Eregion, and Celeborn joined his company. But they were separated from Ost-i-Edhil. Sauron kills Celebrimbor, and seizes the Nine and six of the Seven. Elrond seems to have fled into the North, and hide in what would come to be known as Imladris. Surely Sauron’s armies would have slain them if not for the Dwarf-host coming out of Khazad-dûm. Sauron retaliates against the Dwarves, and so they flee back into Moria, and seal shut the West-gate. This allowed Elrond enough time to secure a safe haven. Celeborn, seemingly, went with the Dwarves into Lorinánd, along with many other Ñoldorin exiles from Eregion. Here, he was likely joined with Galadriel for some time.
Sauron besieges Imladris, but also begins to attack Lindon. Eriador is completely overrun, and victory was imminent, when suddenly in year 1701 the Númenóreans show up. Their victory is complete. Of Sauron’s gigantic army, there are only two survivors: Sauron himself (though hardly) and one bodyguard. It is about now that the Númenóreans begin permanent settlements of Middle-earth.
About now, things get iffy. After the wars are ended, Celeborn begins building up Lorinánd as a defense against Mordor. But Galadriel and Celebrían leave Lorinánd and come to Imladris, so that Galadriel can attend the first meeting of the White Council. Here, Elrond and Celebrían first meet. At the White Council, it is decided that Imladris would be maintained as the Elven-realm of the East, rather than Eregion. Also, Vilya is given to Elrond. Following the White Council, Galadriel and Celebrían dwell in Lindon, the realm of Gil-galad. When it becomes apparent that Sauron is looking East, Celeborn too comes to Lindon.
Twice during the next 1600 years, Galadriel and Celeborn would return to Lorinánd, and dwelt for a while with the King Amdír. It’s possible, though not explicitly said in the later stories and outlines, that they MAY have dwelt for a short while in Belfalas. However, this is derived from an earlier, rejected plot, and so it just as possible that they stuck to Lindon and Lorinánd. Nonetheless, the three dwelling in Belfalas for awhile gives them something special to do, thus I’ll add that into this brief summary. However, they would have spent most of the remaining years of the Second Age with Ereinion Gil-galad.
Galadriel and Celeborn are never said to have played any role in the Last Alliance. Nonetheless, we must assume that the two would have played some role; Galadriel for her counsel, and likely Celeborn would be a member of the Alliance. As for Amdír, King of Lorinánd; he joined the Last Alliance, but died on the Dagorlad. Afterward, his son Amroth would act as King of Lorinánd.
Third Age:
During the Third Age, Galadriel and Celeborn were not content with the peace that had come. At an unspecified point, they return to Lorinánd, and held discourse with Amroth, the King. Amroth, however, seems content, and after dwelling with him for a great length of time Galadriel and Celeborn begin to travel Rhovanion. From Gondor and Mordor (which is now held by the Kings of Gondor) to Thranduil in the North they enquire into the current state of things. Finally, they come to Imladris, and dwelt there for a time. And perhaps they’d dwell at Belfalas sometimes; after all, it is said that from time to time Amroth would visit Galadriel and Celeborn, though I admit that this was written in the same piece that claimed he was their son, which was clearly rejected. I suppose even in my ‘canon’ outline, I pick what I like and reject what I don’t.
It was not until after Durin’s Bane was unleashed in 1890, and that most of the Elves of Lorinánd had fled to the havens in the south, and Amroth their King was lost, that Galadriel and Celeborn returned and took up the title of Lord and Lady. At some point during this time, Galadriel and Olórin have a lengthy discussion of the fading of Middle-earth. Legend suggest that at this point Olórin bestows the Elessar upon Galadriel, but evidence suggests otherwise.
Celeborn and Galadriel remained Lord and Lady of Lórien until the end of the Third Age, when finally the Ban on Galadriel’s return was lifted, and she passed into the West. Celeborn then returned to Imladris, and dwelt with the twin sons of Elrond, before he too finally returned to Galadriel. Probably. Is it ever stated that he did take ship? I dunno… Oh well. Yeah, that’s the History of Galadriel and Celeborn for you.