Apr 18, 2004 13:58
from post at Terrouge
Yes. Fire, the thing that burns. It struck my house.
Now that I've got your attention, I'll start the story. Me and my bro were up at a our Pastor's house playing the grand old game of Fireball Island. I was losing. Suddenly, one of friends busts in and says, "Your house is on fire."
There was silence.
And a few more seconds of silence.
And then he says, "Your mom said everyone's okay and they got out fine."
There was more silence.
We grabbed our coats and keys and flew down the road. Flew being a word to describe how fast we drove. I was worried. I was in shock a bit. I was trying to guess what had happened.
We got home, slammed on the parking brake and ran up the driveway. There was an ambulance, fire truck, several cars and trucks and over a score of the men in dirty yellow. I came up, looked around, placed my bet on what had started the fire, then I went and checked on the kids. They were cool.
Now, how did it happen from their end, you ask? Well, all of them were asleep except one of my sisters and my little bro. My little bro was on the second floor playing video games online when he smelled smoke. He ran down to the basement, the smoke getting thicker and thicker. The back basement was on fire.
He ran upstairs and woke everyone up and got them out of the house. He got the phone too and when my sister got it, the numbers "119119191" were on it. He was already trying to call it in.
Well, they put out the fire successfully. It was actually quite small. Heat lamps down on our new baby chicks had set some cardboard on fire and it spread from there.
And who says video games are a bad thing? *laughs*
info posted later
Yeah, I think we lost about half of the chicks. We were able to save all our other animals too. I think there was a little plumbing damage too, but nothing really serious. PVC pipes melting, I think...
My bro was running in and bringing the animals out and such while I was making sure the kids were stable. Our whole youth group had come over to see and to pray.
We've got an Xbox up in our room and afterwards we were thinking, "Wouldn't it be funny if Joe ran out of the house carrying the Xbox instead of one of the many animals?" He could've been on Xbox commercials, eh?
"My house was burning to the ground, but I knew, if there was one thing I had to get out with, it was my Xbox." ~Joe on Commercial....