Nathan & Kelly ramblings

Jan 05, 2011 11:18

I finished my Misfits watch last night. All 13 episodes! I'm now completely up to date. And being that I'm finished watching, I can respond to daybreak777's meme asking new Misfits fans: What is your favorite aspect of the show and why?

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misfits, musings

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falafel_musings January 5 2011, 13:19:33 UTC
I enjoy the gang scenes and the Nathan/Simon bromance is another one of my favourite aspects of the show. However from the perspective of me looking at Misfits as a British social commentary, the other characters just aren't as effective as Nathan or Kelly. I find characters like Curtis and Nikki very bland. I had loved Simon in S1 and thought he was another great archetype of alienated anti-social British youth. But the Super-Simon alterego has spoilt his character for me. In the 'Making Of' on my DVD the writers said that they wanted to give Simon a Clark Kent/Superman split personality between awkward geek and dashing hero. But as a fan who doesn't care for the superhero aspect, it just feel like the writers are placing Americanised story conventions on Simon and Alisha (Simon's Lois Lane?). It's interesting that Misfits seems to have become an internet hit with worldwide viewers around the same time as the Simon/Alisha story started. I think it's much more of a traditional USA superpowers story, i.e. the geek becomes the hero and gets the beautiful girl story. So it gives Misfits more universal appeal, but I like Nathan & Kelly much more for being British stock and therefore non-idealised.

Oh, you were asking what a chav was on your journal. If you ever ever watch 'Little Britain' the Vicky Pollard character the ultimate chav caricature. As you can see from the clips below Vicky's character is basically a cross between Nathan and Kelly. A chav is stereotypically a young low class person in the UK with a scruffy appearence, bad manners and juvinille habits. There are shops in my town that have 'No Hoodies, Caps or Tracksuits' on their doors, because that's what chav kids usually wear. Chavs and ASBO kids are essentially treated like vermin in the UK so I think it's great to see these kids represented for all their horrible behaviour, but also show the causes of that behaviour.


daybreak777 January 5 2011, 17:08:49 UTC
Interesting to think of Misfits as a social commentary on British youth. I had no idea these characters were archetypes at all. I'm so glad you started watching because I really hadn't gotten that. I thought Nathan was just . . . Nathan. Kelly, however, did seem like a working class person who was very concerned what people thought of her but I didn't know why.

I read at a Misfits community that Curtis and Alisha's accents are from London. Maybe the show's creators wanted to include youths from the city too? It's clear with Curtis' story that it's commenting on the sort of 'good kid's fall from grace' sort of story. I hope they do more with Curtis than that, though. I don't mind Simon/Alisha. As someone who loved a ship so much that I found fandom to express it, I understand that that can add a lot to a TV show for some fans. Especially some fans who've shipped them all along. My only question is, what now? How to keep that relationship interesting?

Nikki didn't do much for me. She's just not part of the gang. I like Marnie but I suspect she won't be around long, either. I like my gang. :-)

Simon is still Simon. He has these friends but he has issues now. I sympathize because I think I might wonder too what to do with my life if a better version of me had already lived and died.

No Tracksuits, no Hoodies? Wow, that's kind of . . . I don't know. Are the kids that disruptive that they are discriminated against? I know some schools hear don't want teens wearing caps or gang colors or such to prevent violence in school, but for businesses to make a sign seems very different.

I'll check out the video later!


falafel_musings January 5 2011, 20:30:19 UTC
I don't mind Simon/Alisha. As someone who loved a ship so much that I found fandom to express it, I understand that that can add a lot to a TV show for some fans. Especially some fans who've shipped them all along. My only question is, what now? How to keep that relationship interesting?

I like Simon/Alisha a little more now that Alisha is in love with the real Simon and not SuperHoodie. I'm just kind of saddened by the idea that Simon must change for Alisha; that he has to become unrealistically idealised and heroic. I don't know. Ep 1x5 was one of my favourite eps because it explored Simon's sweetness and his darkness. I fear they are losing the complexity of Simon's character with this story.

Are the kids that disruptive that they are discriminated against?

In a word? Yes. I've seen both sides of it. I used to work in a video rentals and we'd get gangs of chav kids coming in to shoplift and harass the staff on a regular basis. I found it sad because these kids were bored, their parents didn't want them at home and they had nothing better to do with their evenings. But at the same time, I wanted to get these kids gone so I could get on with my job in peace. Before the ASBO we could only call the police if we caught the kids stealing or if we were threatened by them. I don't work there anymore (thank God!) but the ASBO allows staff to call the police if chav kids are just being really obnoxious to them. I think the 'No Hoodies' signs are just a further measure to protect staff, but I don't like how it debases and discriminates either.


daybreak777 January 5 2011, 20:50:22 UTC
I understand you about Simon. I was worried about the same thing. If I could love Simon even when he creeped me out, why couldn't Alisha? The way I reconciled it for myself is that she had to have fallen for him naturally the first go round. We didn't see that and it annoys me that we didn't but it had to have happened. And I can see a bit more chemistry between them now. Alisha is changing too. Some couples will hook up eventually, no matter what timeline, no matter what life. They are not my ship, but maybe they are like that. We'll see.

The thing that makes me happy is future!Simon is still creepy to me! All those pictures! I don't love the creepiness but at least it's consistent. He's just channeled it in a different way. And I don't think we'll see future!Simon again. I hope they keep the complexity of Simon too. I do think he may have lied about selling his powers. Good for him.

Thanks your insights on the kids called chavs. Wow. I didn't even understand the ASBO and what it was for. Here obnoxious delinquents just remain . . . obnoxious but staff can call cops for that behavior. Seems a different problem in the UK, maybe. I don't know! I am glad that the kids are getting a voice through this show a bit. Might help a bit if the next kid mouthing off one imagines he's Nathan, you know?


falafel_musings January 5 2011, 21:27:17 UTC
I don't think we'll see future!Simon again. I hope they keep the complexity of Simon too. I do think he may have lied about selling his powers. Good for him.

I'm thinking that future!Simon will have to be erased somehow because otherwise they'd have to kill Simon off. At first I thought SuperHoodie would turn out to be Simon from a parallel universe. When Simon pulled up his Hoodie after he found Alisha murdered I thought the Simon from that timeline would become the future super Simon. But then Milkman stabbed him (??)

I wonder if they are all going to buy back different powers? I kind of like the powers they've got, but I get the feeling they might change them. I also think Alisha will choose to remain powerless from now on.


daybreak777 January 6 2011, 12:25:04 UTC
It's hard to know what happened. I'm sure the future!Simon we saw died saving Alisha in episode 2x04. There is only one Simon now and that's the present one. As for ep 2x06. None of that happened. No one has the memory of it except Curtis and it's not clear if he told all of them. All that happened is they found Milk Man before he became evil and probably killed him? We don't know for sure and might not know.

I hope Alisha doesn't remain powerless. I want her to be powerful and strong! Yep. I want that for each of them.

The Vicky Pollard character was hysterical! And you're right! That's what they probably got Nathan stealing the Pic-n-Mix from!


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