Battlestar Gallactica (S2 reflection)

Jun 08, 2008 16:30

I've been having a heavy-duty writing week. When I'm hardcore writing I often have trouble switching my mind off and falling asleep so I've been ploughing through BSG eps in my insomnia. I've finished S2 now and I only skipped 4 episode which I'm assured are fairly self-contained and fillerish.

I enjoyed S2 more than S1 I'd say, so lets get into some musings...

- My favourite episodes this season were 'Fragged', 'Pegasus', 'Epiphanies', 'Downloaded' and 'Lay down your Burdens'. Mostly I enjoyed the Kobol stories and the altercation with Cain's crew and I'm very absorbed by the glimpse into the grim state of affairs on the New Occupied Caprica. I'm certainly hooked in for S3!

- I have good deal of respect for both Roslin and Adama, even though I often find myself opposing their methods and choices. Pleasingly they also have their human moments of tenderness and affection. I loved Roslin's little giggle fit before her campaign speech. I loved the tension of the election between Roslin and Baltar, especially how Roslin is onto Baltar and knows about his conspiracy with Six. Then ironically Baltar is the one who saves her from her cancer. Man, I'm just relieved she is no longer dying!

- Okay so I'm still a Starbuck fan. The actress is so spunky and charasmatic I'll admit that I have a bit of a girl crush. I really liked her Caprica story at the beginning of the season (she was brilliant in 'The Farm'). I also quite liked the Kara/Lee scenes midseason, though the relationship feels more brother/sisterish than boyfriend/girlfriend to me (isn't it nicer that way?). Well, I've been turning a little sour on them since the quadrangle element has kicked in with Dee and Anders, but that was always gonna happen. Luckily Kara has a strong role outside her shipper stories.

- For better or worse, the character I feel closest to is Baltar. I suppose because we have the biggest insight into what goes on inside his head. He may be warped and despicable, but he is an open book to the viewer (better the devil you know than the devil you don't). Another thing about Baltar that engages me is he is a very emotive character, where as many others seem de-sensitized to the suffering and chaos, his inner turmoil is always very palable. And he makes me laugh. It's hard to hate somebody who makes you laugh. Oh, and I don't think he is a cylon, but I think he wishes he were one.

-  I've become a big fan of Boomer this season. I think she has broken her programming and is in control of her own choices now. But she's also being treated like dirt and being made a scapegoat for all the crews frustrations. She has a right to feel enraged over the loss of her child. But I'm excited by her being the first cylon to suggest that the attack on the colonies was wrong.

- I've also been won over by Six in S2. I guess my main problem with her character in S1 was she was one-note, just a slutty head-frakking cylon sprite. In S2 she has shown there are many more sides to her - victim, terrorist, rebel, guardian angel, etc. I also loved the twist that Caprica-Six has her own Head-Baltar. That was a cool reveal.

- Poor Billy. He was only a minor character, but he was sweet and loyal to Roslin. I've heard the actor wanted to leave so what can you do (give him a better death scene maybe?) The way Dee brushed aside his death to fixate on Apollo pissed me off.

- The Chief and Helo came through as good salt of the earth heroes in this season even if they do have their cylon crushes. I think the Boomer/Helo ship and the Chief/Cally ship are nice. They both seem genuine. I'm worried about the Chief's psycho dreams though! I don't think he is a cylon, but I'm starting to wonder which other main characters might be.

- I've felt myself becoming a cylon sympathiser a few times in S2. That said the whole 'peace movement with warheads' thing was messed up. Still I'd like to see more discussion less shooting between the human/cylon forces in future seasons.  
Well, that's about all for now. I'm looking forward to S3 especially the Baltar/Felix scenes.

Back to work for now... 

bsg, bsg reviews

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