Charlie/Claire Stocking

Nov 16, 2008 16:27

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Charlie/ unfinished melody

I'm not a PB&J shipper, but I do consider myself a Charlie/Claire fan. I never thought this was a perfect relationship. I was never sure if I wanted to root for this relationship. But I'm a fan because this couple had more reality and delicacy than any other Lost pairing. They were sweet, they were messy, they were two emotionally damaged people who found a few precious moments of harmony together. There were times when their relationship was unhealthy and destructive. There were other times when they brought peace to each other and to the whole horrible island ordeal and that was a beautiful thing to see.

In S1 I really wanted Charlie/Claire to remain a platonic pairing. I loved seeing them as soul mates and best friends. I loved that they had the same taste in bracelets and often wondered if they shared nail polish. How I wish Charlie had lived to find out about Claire's gothic years! These days I see PB&J more as an unrequited love story. For Charlie I feel it was love at first sight. The moment he saw Claire and her pregnant belly she represented his redemption. She could heal the loss of his family. She was a holy beacon of purity and virtue that could inspire him to quit his bad habits and become a good person again. I think Claire thought Charlie was sweet, she liked him as a friend, he made her feel safe, but she just wasn't ready to let her guard down with any man. Her child was her priority. I do feel like CCs shared kidnap/ordeal with Ethan created a deep unspoken bond between them. Even when Claire became angry and untrusting of Charlie she never really lost that connection with him. This is what causes Claire to reach for Charlie's hand in the funeral scene. Their relationship was very instinctive.

Well, the less said about how the show chose to end their relationship the better really. Charlie died for his love of Claire and Aaron (not surprising or unexpected in the slightest - just tragically in Charlies nature). I think we have to interpret that Claire (in spite of her promise) emotionally distanced herself from Charlie, knowing she would soon be losing him, since she took no time to mourn or memorialise him. But in spite of the shows failings, the grief over the loss of CC has been strongly felt by the fans. Still they are the focus of so many beautiful vids and fics. So lets embrace the fans vision of PB&J in this stocking...

Fanfic Exert

She is a vision of beauty even in her darkest hour. Twigs and clumps of dirt cling to her blonde hair. Her eyes are red and swollen from the tears she shed, and her lip trembles, whether from fear or anguish, he knows not.

But this despair fits the passion in her well. He always felt that she was a person whose moods only showed in tandems. She could only be incredibly miserable or incredibly joyous, with the pendulum incapable of stopping in between.

When he stands up, she shuffles forward, wants to embrace him, but still fears him, because he is a symbol of death. He is gone and she's made her own closure, and this does not need to be any harder than it already is.

She settles, instead, for standing inches from him, absorbing his invisible warmth, but refusing to touch it, lest she be burned. She spills her secrets, tells him the story of how she lost her son, of how she lost two weeks of her life, and of how Locke told her that if anyone could help her it would be him.

It's the wildest of tales, even for this island. It's the type of misery that no one deserves least of all Claire and her son.

"You need to bring him back," she whispers, and it's painful, cuts through his heart and soul and shatters everything.

He closes his eyes and nods. She crosses the divide, slips her fingers into his, amazed that he is corporeal, and squeezes tightly.

This is them. They were not built on grand gestures, but tiny ebbs and steady cadence. He died with love for her on his lips and visions of her flashing before his eyes like guardian angels calling him home. And his love and devotion for her doesn't weaken or waver even after death. The type of love that anchors through a storm.

In the name of Claire, he leaves the island. (Jacob leases him to the outside world in the hope that he will bring this island back together again.) In the name of Aaron, he talks to Hurley and watches the others.

In the name of the love he holds for both of them, he will bring their family back together.

From Five People Charlie Pace visits while dead and one who comes to him by angeldylan628

PB&J fanvid recs

You're All I Need by Kajam
The best C/C vid of the year along with 'Open your Eyes' (the vid linked at the top of stocking).
Two gorgeous epics offering fans of this couple a much happier ending.

Distance by ludblond
A C/C vid made for the 'Save the Junkie' campaign. Still one of my favs!

Who wants to live forever by Rodimusben
A tragic yet elegant vid set to one of the most powerful ballads about love and loss.

We'll sing a Whiskey Lullabye by littletonpace
A haunting little AU vid. Charlie and Claire's suicidal drunken romance.

Sampson by LostnDomsEyes
Poor sweet C/C. A tribute to their utterly forgetten beauty in S4.

Ladies Choice by Pendora
This is more of a Charlie/all the girls vid. But I love seeing Charlie as the unlikely stud of Lost!

Breathe Me by Jemmz
A vid in which we make-belief that Charlie's sacrifice got everyone rescued.

A cold wind will blow through your door by lostwithoutdom
A vid in which we make-believe that Claire read Charlie's Greatest Hits list.

Fantasy by Ais
A vid in which we make-believe Charlie and Claire had sex! Red hot sex!

Oh and one last thing....'s extra smooth..and very sweet!

Merry Christmas sapphire_child


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