It's two people connecting. With four other people. And aliens.

Apr 11, 2015 22:44

I suppose I should do a fandom post too? I'm a little indifferent to fandom lately. I mostly enjoyed Shameless S5 though I'm not having a meltdown over Ian/Mickey's break up so I guess I can't be a proper fan, right? I'm actually rather bored of needy doormat Mickey (when did he turn into David Fisher? It doesn't suit him) and I think a seperation ( Read more... )

game of thrones, hannibal, mad men, orphan black, shameless, orange is the new black

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daybreak777 April 12 2015, 18:29:11 UTC
Yay, Monica! I was surprisingly happy to see her. She's a terrible mother but that doesn't mean she's a terrible person, you know? And she was happy. Who else could make Ian feel whole right now?

I like Ian/Mickey but I liked their fucked up dynamic and maybe that's gone now. Growing up sucks.

Not sure I want Debs to be pregnant, though. I don't think that boy is good enough for her.

When is OITNB coming back? Wow, that was fast!

They'd better not do any Peggy/Don. Yuck. I kinda like Peggy/Pete but would be happy with my ship of Peggy/Pwning All Advertising.



falafel_musings April 12 2015, 19:15:59 UTC
I don't expect Pete/Peggy to ever happen romantically again. But I do think they should start a new agency together, free from Don's shadow, Pete as Head of Accounts and Peggy as Creative Director. I think Don should die or disappear to be honest.

Good things aren't going to happy to Debs or any of the Gallagher kids (except maybe Lip?) but that's what makes them sympathetic. A teen pregnancy story for Debs feels realistic for her circumstances as does juvie for Carl.


daybreak777 April 12 2015, 20:35:03 UTC
I'm waiting for the last eps of Mad Men to air and then I'm going to do a full marathon of the final season. I want to watch it altogether.

Aww, poor Gallaghers. I have hope for Liam?

Why should Debs be a teen mom? Fiona wasn't with all her revolving door of lovers. Deb is only 14. I was just getting to know her. And I'm sad to see she feels unloved and wants a baby or another family. I kind of understand it, but her family does love her.

As for Carl? That boy is like Frank all over again. He's going to rule juvie. I am actually not worried about him at all. :-)


falafel_musings April 12 2015, 20:45:55 UTC
Fiona is totally a teen mum. She didn't get pregnant but she had to become the sole parent of her younger siblings when she was still a kid herself. She's taken on that burden and will be raising them until she's at least in her mid-30s. In a way, this story might bring Fiona and Deb closer together. I'm sure that Fiona won't want Deb to keep the baby but then it's not like anyone could ever tell Fiona to give up her kids and live her own life.


daybreak777 April 12 2015, 21:49:24 UTC
Yeah, but Fiona didn't deliberately have children. Maybe because she had enough kids to raise but I can only think she's really, really careful about birth control because she does have a lot of impulsive sex. She's taken responsibility for her siblings but she didn't go out and have any of her own.

I'm sure Deb would be an okay mother. I remember the similarly-aged young girl who was raising her own baby at Kev and Veronica's house. She was a good mother despite her young age and early abuse. So it's not a matter of that.

I just wanted to see what Deb might have been on her own. Like Lip. They still might get sucked into the South Side but I want a glimpse of what else Debbie might want.


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