All Bad Things Must Come To An End

Jan 26, 2014 12:52

Today sees the end of the Blue Christmeth Season and all authors identities revealed. So I'll say a special personal thanks to poisoninthewater, heyjupiter and warriorpoet for their excellent and much appreciated gifts written for my prompts. Walt's sojourn in New Hampshire and Jesse's stay at rehab were two periods in canon that I wanted deeper insight into and the way you guys filled these gaps was more perfect than I could even imagine. And now all authorship is revealed, I'll link my own offerings for anyone else who is interested.

Prompt: Anything set in early S4 with tensions and emotions still high in the aftermath of Gale's death.
Characters: Walt, Jesse and Mike. Walt POV.
Description: The aftershocks of Gale and Victor's murders. Missing scene from 'Box Cutter'.
Author's Note: Probably not my strongest fic, but I'm rather hurt that my recipient hasn't even bothered to say thank you, leave a comment or a kudos or anything. For the most part the Blue Xmeth challenge has been a great experience but it's insulting when the person you wrote your gift for shows zero sign that they like your story or at least appreciated the trouble you took to write something just for them. *sigh*

War is Over
Prompt: Jesse's first Christmas post-Felina, preferably with snow.  
Characters: Jesse, OCs.
Description: A few weeks after escaping the Nazi compound Jesse spends Christmas in a homeless shelter.
Author's Note: An extra fill for the Madness challenge. Thankfully the prompter did appreciate this one. And so after my two very long post-Felina Jesse fics full of PTSD and legal consequences, I finally caved and wrote the closest thing I could manage for a Jesse happy ending story. Basically Jesse is free man on Christmas and he gets to eat a hot dinner, open presents and build a snowman. *happy sigh*

My biggest thanks has to go to bessiemaemucho AKA heyjupiter who betaed both my challenge entries and who created this Breaking Bad fandom gift exchange which has inspired some fantastic fic and fanart. In addition to the three gifts I received (which I strongly recommend!) I also have to rec some of my other favorite fic fills for other people's prompts and give credit to their now named authors. It was tough choosing favorites because the quality is very high all around (and there are still some fics I have yet to read).

I am Vengeance, I am the Night by heyjupiter
The story of what happened to Mike's son and how it relates to Mike's mentoring of Jesse. All of heyjupiter's fills for this challenge are well-worth reading but this was a particular favorite of mine and I loved getting the chance to beta it.

Calculated Risks (And How Not To Take Them) by celeryy
Saul's POV on Walt and Jesse and their unusual relationship. I envy anyone who can write a good Saul POV and celeryy nails Saul's POV here. And of course, I enjoy hearing anyone's take on Walt/Jesse, especially canon characters.

The Cabin by biblionerdo7
AU scenario for Ozymandias where Walt doesn't give Jesse up to the Nazi gang. A story of what could have been if Walt and Jesse's codependency had triumphed over their mutual feelings of hate and betrayal. And it still ends horribly for poor Jesse.

Like a Child by stagnation
There are two things Marie wouldn't tolerate in her household; untreated guests and not knowing what was going on. A Marie & Jesse fic that strikes just the write balance between Marie's softness and her spikyness for me.

Pseudonym by warriorpoet
Marie finds Jesse's endless party, loses herself and steals some things. The first Jesse/Marie fic I've read and this scenario totally worked for me, seamlessly merging Marie and Jesse's separate states of emotional turmoil during the 'Open House' episode.

Origin Story by panademonium
How Jesse Pinkman got into the meth business. A very convincing backstory for how a younger Jesse may have screwed up with his family and got in over his head with the drugs world.

And with the end of Blue Xmeth, I'm also announcing my retirement from Breaking Bad ficcing and fandom. It may not stick (I've had lapsed attempts at quitting fandoms before) but right now, I have no plans for further BrBa fic, vids or meta projects. I'm finally moving on. I'm watching other shows, catching up with films and novels, and refocusing on writing my own original stories. I'll always have a BrBa shaped hole in my heart that nothing will fill and I'll always be happy to share memories with other Baddicts, but yeah...after four months it looks like I'm done with withdrawal and ready to leave rehab. Phew!

Speaking of moving on to other topics... PLEASE HELP to fill up my prompt calendar for my February Flisters Meme.  

fandom, breaking bad, fanfic, meme, rants, recs

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