2013 in Fandom: "I Threw My Pie for You."

Dec 30, 2013 21:12

End of year fandom meme time. This one was gakked from bessiemaemucho.

Fandom Faves of the Year )

novels, fandom, meme, movies, music

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yatsirch December 30 2013, 22:37:26 UTC
Haha I hear ya on the Breaking Bad front, it really is crazy how that show devoured my year. I will never forget making the mistake of watching Tohajiilee at 1:30am in the morning the second it went up on iTunes and then staring blankly at the roof until dawn when I tried to go to sleep afterwards. I was pretty much shell shocked at work every Monday during the month of September xP

I'm hoping it'll be a fandom for life! I've only ever had one other fandom like that and it's still near and dear to my heart twelve years later (although it's a bit embarrassing because it's a monster anime and I'm not sixteen anymore)

Hmm, I've never heard of Black Mirror before but now I'm very curious about it. I also REALLY need to finish Orange is the New Black.

I miss the LJ fandom as well, although I've never been much for meta or writing so I mostly just lurked. Deviantart was always more my speed and it's barely hanging in there due to Tumblr. Now it's mostly pros and thirteen year old reposters, the middle of the road artists like myself seem to be moving to Tumblr but I hate that reblogging and liking has replaced comments (however brief) and critiques.

Eh, but I do appreciate the friends that I've made through the BrBa fandom on Tumblr. I deliberately rejoined for the final eight episodes and it was a blast watching everyone melt down on a weekly basis while making Taylor Swift gifsets and crackshipping everything. The fandom wasn't exactly deep but it was amusing and I had a few good conversations through fanmail and asks.

Ugh, also, don't get me started on Dexter. Or my complete infatuation with Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul. The former was a sucky life ruiner while the latter are wonderful life ruiners.


falafel_musings December 31 2013, 00:43:25 UTC
I totally blame BrBa for ruining my Goodreads challenge. Like I couldn't read books while that show was eating my brain and I had so many BrBa blogs to read anyway. Oh and my meta posts to write. And yes, my September Mondays were screwed up too. I'd also spend the day at work worrying over people who don't exist.

Black Mirror is a dark future show with a different warped scenario every episode largely based around modern media and smartphone culture. It's written by Charlie Brooker who interviewed Vince Gilligan at the TV festival in Edinburgh this year. So it's written by a BrBa fan!

Like I've said, I think tumblr is a great platform for artists. But well, I'm not an artist. As a writer I find it very unsatisfying. I expect that most tumblr users skim over written posts and even if they do respond, a like or a reblog is not half as pleasing/personal as a written response that you get on LJ.


yatsirch December 31 2013, 01:36:56 UTC
I think Breaking Bad pretty much ruined my life last fall, but I regret nothing. The final eight episodes were definitely one of the most intense TV experiences that I have ever had.

Written by a BrBa fan eh? Definitely checking it out :D

Hmm, I'm not even sure that Tumblr is a great platform for artists though. As much as it happened all the time, adding something to your favourites without commenting was generally frowned upon on Deviantart, so much so that the site runners even added in an automatic prompt about commenting. I've also run across quite a bit of my old fanart on Tumblr being reposted without credit (or in one case, with someone else claiming they drew it) and it is frighteningly difficult to keep track of your work with all the reposting and reblogging D:


falafel_musings December 31 2013, 10:12:56 UTC
As much as it happened all the time, adding something to your favourites without commenting was generally frowned upon on Deviantart, so much so that the site runners even added in an automatic prompt about commenting.

Exactly! If you have created something that you worked really hard like your gorgeous artwork then you deserve actual comments not just impersonal reblogs. And don't get me started on people taking credit for other artists work. Grrr that is just so rude and obnoxious!

I don't think creative posts get the attention they deserve on Tumblr. I only use Tumblr to pimp my creative stuff which I post elsewhere but my fic and vid pimping posts don't get very many notes at all.

Then there's a Tumblr post where I just posted two screencaps of Bryan and Aaron from the BrBa documentary (linked below). 18,000 notes and rising daily. For something I put together in about 5 minutes. It seems like it's the short attention span image sharing is the main thing that gets any notice.



yatsirch December 31 2013, 13:50:09 UTC
Holy crap you went viral! That is both hilarious and depressing, but I do feel that some congratulations are in order even if there's a definite 'you guys latched on to THAT?' factor. Typical Tumblr xD

Tumblr is so brutal when it comes to fics unless there's a really snappy excerpt and/or the right person reblogs it. I also hate how fanvids are so overlooked, I love 'em but I've pretty much given up on posting awesome finds because people will rarely stop scrolling (or pause their music) to click play.

Oh well, I'm sure there will be another mass fandom exodus to a new platform in the next 5-10 years and in the meantime it's like you said, Tumblr is quite handy for pimping works that are up elsewhere.


falafel_musings December 31 2013, 14:28:09 UTC
LOL. Going viral kind of sucks. You can't keep track of any activity on your other posts because they are buried under the 100s of notes for your one viral post. It especially sucks if you can't understand why people are latching on like you say. They are just screencaps. Other more talented people have made lovely gift sets of the documentary that don't have half as many notes. *shrugs*

Yeah, I agree that written and vid posts get much of a look in because people scroll tumblr so fast. You kind of have to because there is so much worthless repetitive rubbish to get through before you find anything good. On my LJ flist. I tend to give longer consideration to every post.


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