Synopsis: Daniel Faraday travels back in time and attends a Driveshaft backstage party in order to find Charlie and deliver a message from Desmond. This fic is written in response to the Day 2 prompts from
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So glad you liked this! I love reading your thoughtful feedback. I'm pleased you liked the bittersweetness. I was aspiring to Vonnegut's style and trying to find humour and humanity in a tragic fatalistic story. I did have fun trying to think what CDs Faraday might own. And Charlie's boxers...couldn't resist!
I thought the whole concept of course correction was handled really creatively, placing Daniel only in contact with this fugue-like Charlie.
Phew! I'm glad that concept made sense. One of the most interesting moments with Dan is when he is crying over the 815 report and he doesn't know why. So I guess even if course correction wipes out their lucid memories they still have some emotional memories buried deep.
BTW - I watched 'Grave of the Fireflies' now. It was beautiful in a horrible sort of way. Seriously, I'm glad I watched it. Anti-war films should be gut-wrenching. That's the point. So I liked that they didn't pull any punches, but there was still a lovely tenderness in the brother-sister bond and the gorgeous animation. Thanks for the rec!
Again, great story. I'm still giggling about Charlie's biggest fan, Raymond.
That's exactly how I feel about Grave of the Fireflies. If you want more films along the same lines, I also recommend Jeux Interdits, a French film from the 1950s which is kind of like the live action Fireflies. I'm also a fan of Testament which is about a suburban mother and her kids trying to surviving a nuclear holocaust. Another anti-war anime one is Porco Rosso. Yes, I have grime taste.
I have a favour to ask. I want to take you up on your offer to beta a Desmond/Penny story. I'm finally starting to squeak it out but it's not at all what I had planned and I'm not sure if it is reaching my goals. Would you be free later in the week to take a look?
Hehe. I guess even if Charlie does remember his no.1 fan Raymond he'll be confused at why he never gets any letters from the jerk.
At last! Somebody with film taste as depressing as my own. I'll check out those recs. I would rec some to you in return, but my memory is crappy (especially after writing his fic) and my DVDs are all still in boxes. Fireflies really reminded me of 'Empire of the Sun' (film and novel) in the way it showed the effects of war through a child's eyes.
I thought the whole concept of course correction was handled really creatively, placing Daniel only in contact with this fugue-like Charlie.
Phew! I'm glad that concept made sense. One of the most interesting moments with Dan is when he is crying over the 815 report and he doesn't know why. So I guess even if course correction wipes out their lucid memories they still have some emotional memories buried deep.
BTW - I watched 'Grave of the Fireflies' now. It was beautiful in a horrible sort of way. Seriously, I'm glad I watched it. Anti-war films should be gut-wrenching. That's the point. So I liked that they didn't pull any punches, but there was still a lovely tenderness in the brother-sister bond and the gorgeous animation. Thanks for the rec!
That's exactly how I feel about Grave of the Fireflies. If you want more films along the same lines, I also recommend Jeux Interdits, a French film from the 1950s which is kind of like the live action Fireflies. I'm also a fan of Testament which is about a suburban mother and her kids trying to surviving a nuclear holocaust. Another anti-war anime one is Porco Rosso. Yes, I have grime taste.
I have a favour to ask. I want to take you up on your offer to beta a Desmond/Penny story. I'm finally starting to squeak it out but it's not at all what I had planned and I'm not sure if it is reaching my goals. Would you be free later in the week to take a look?
At last! Somebody with film taste as depressing as my own. I'll check out those recs. I would rec some to you in return, but my memory is crappy (especially after writing his fic) and my DVDs are all still in boxes. Fireflies really reminded me of 'Empire of the Sun' (film and novel) in the way it showed the effects of war through a child's eyes.
Yeah, I'll definitely beta your new Despenny!
I've seen Empire of the Sun a couple of times. I really like the music. Let me know if you have any more recs when your home is unpacked.
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