May 26, 2005 08:56
Well i havent been in school for the last three days..
and i dont ever go on my computer at home so i havent been on since last friday..
So ill up date for yous all....
last friday-i cant remember exactually what we were doin but i was with sarah.....
Saturday-slept over sarahs was fun.. i am a good slap jack person....
Sunday-went to her moms party.. with the other 3 guests that came.. than went home and slept
Monday-sat home.. with sarah
Tuesday-sat home.. with paytin
Wednsday-sat home.. with sarah
Today- well so far im in first period and than after that i have the rest of the day to complete.. after school sarah will proub. come over if she wants to.. wow we hang out a lot but hey we have fun.. and than proubally nothing..
* o yea i think im gonna chang my lj one more gonna do it today in third period... ill have to keep all my ld stuff cuz i dont know how to change it but i like it all for the most part i just want a new icon.. soo i guess who ever wants to be on my friends list comment to this entray and tell me please...
much <3