Dec 03, 2005 22:55
mmm.. so i had this parade thing.. it sucked alot. i felt bad cause i yelled at megan n for touching my bagel. so lemme warn you now.. if its 1030 in the morning dont touch my bagels - sorry im a bitch? or just a really tired jew. yeah its like 11 and i dont really know what im talking bout..
anyway. i felt like i havent written in a while so i wrote. i guess i really wanted to just recount for myself since i havent been paying much attention to the bullshit going on lately. ive been slowly sinking back to how i was over summer.. fuck. i hate moorestown. well no not really but some aspects of it. ifeelsofrickendumbrightnow.i should prolly go back to see mrs teradlfkjaykdfj i dont remember her name but i really dont want to. its seems like a waste of my parents money and if i did that id feel bad cause she didnt really help and i bet what im feeling is jsut what your feeling and i just cant deal with it which is gay cause i can. im just being dumb right now i guess.
i really want it to be christmas/hanukah. i want to see my sisters... yeah im gonna stopwasting your time now..pce