Don't wanna rain on your procession, all I want is your obsession

May 18, 2007 05:21

ahahaha I had just closed my laptop and my eyes when I was struck with sudden inspiration and rattled off a quick email to Alex, whom I haven't heard from in some time due to, word is, her "busy schedule" filled with "9 concerts" by the end of the month. The body follows:

subject: from the bowels of time- like, weeeeks ago, maaan

so what's the latest word on YOU, young lady? what trials and tribulations are there yet left to confront? what plans and schemes? what hopes and dreams? aw, I'm a poet.

I've actually been having these intense dreams the past few nights about moving to nyc and pursuing a career as a writer... but before I do anything crazy like that, I'd dearly love to see you! use some sort of modern communication device to track me down... if I have to send one more email or leave one more voicemail I may be reduced to begging and that would just be embarrassing for the both of us!

with the affection of a thousand monkeys spurning their typewriters to carve a thousand hearts into a solitary oak tree,


alex, tell me how cute i am

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