this post is just for me to study later

Oct 31, 2005 15:01

During current Hold'em session you were dealt 82 hands and saw flop:
- 8 out of 13 times while in big blind (61%)
- 4 out of 14 times while in small blind (28%)
- 13 out of 55 times in other positions (23%)
- a total of 25 out of 82 (30%)
Pots won at showdown - 4 of 7 (57%)
Pots won without showdown - 8

HERO: ugh, math
HERO: spidey can I call with bottom set?
GMONEY421: i hit my flush
HERO: duh

LJ said this was too large, I'll have to remove the irrelevant hands if I want to post it. Whatever.

I made a lot (two is too many) of really indentifiably dumb bets.. missed value opportunity with flopped quads, a couple continuations on awful boards without image, reraising all-in with an underpair to the rag board with two people ahead of me betting big (I'd SWEAR they had overcards.. and I was right- unfortunately for me, one of their overcards had a mate with it), but despite my leaks, the level of retarded aggression at this table complete with the collection of draw-chasers on my right and tight(er) players on my left made this an absolute dream.
Nevermind the first buyin for half my bankroll where I got sucked out runner-runner and I was like "Crap! can't play poker again until Atlantic City! Oh wait look I'm doubling up twice in a row! Crap I just lost most of it again! Whoa wow doubled up again? And again?"

poker, table selection matters, position matters

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