Jun 16, 2010 12:10
I am not going to get into this again.
My name is Buffy Anne Summers. Period, end of story. There is no nickname, okay? It's not short for Elizabeth and I'm not some dumb blonde cheerleader with a dumb, blonde cheerleader-sounding name (although, yes, before I moved to Sunnydale I was a cheerleader, but that's a whole other story.
I think the only slightly interesting thing is that I went by my middle name, Anne, for one summer. You know, the summer after I sent Angel to a hell dimension for two hundred years or something horrible. (Time passes differently there I guess). I was a waitress and I just.... I dunno. I wanted to be someone different. Someone who wasn't a Slayer.
It didn't work, of course. I ended up getting dragged back into the whole saving-the-world-bit again, but at least something good came of it. This girl got my room, my job, and I gave her my middle name. Anne. I don't know what she did with it all afterward, but it made me feel good that I could help someone else sorta find their own identity.
See? I told you it wasn't that interesting a story, really. As for me? I'm Buffy. Just Buffy. Sister to Dawn, daughter of Joyce, and yes. I happen to like my last name, too. And no, I'm not changing my first name ever. Or really my last name, either.
Oh, and as for all the cutesy names that I got from vampires or friends? It's no big. Xander calls me "Buff" or "The Buffster", but then again, I call him "Xand". Angelus calls me "Buff" too, but that one bugs me a lot unlike when Xander says it so let's not go there. And Spike's names? "Pet", "love", "Slayer"?
He's Spike. There's really no way to explain him.
Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: BtVS
Word Count: 307
theatrical muse,