242 - Write about a time that you were the bearer of bad news.

Aug 07, 2008 15:08

When am I not? "Hey guys, world's about to end again. We have to cancel that party at the Bronze and do our shopping some other time while I run off slaying and you all hold down the fort in the library." That was a typical day for me at Sunnydale High School. I always did my best to make sure that it wouldn't happen, though. Usually, it worked.

Then there's times like having to go find Dawnie and tell her how I found Mom on the couch.

I seem to talk a lot about Mom, though, so let's not this one time. Okay. So, we'll talk about, um, oh! Singing. Yup. That was a fun experience (note the sarcasm there). Big red demon pops into town and makes everyone sing and dance which you think would just be silly, or at the very least, entertaining if everyone was all off-key. Instead, it killed you. No, really, boom, dead. From singing.

See, he had this thing going where you would end up singing the truth about whatever secret was the big thing eating you up inside, and then all your friends would find out and it just wasn't pretty. Me? I'd just been brought back from death by Willow and Xander and Anya and Tara. Go me. Except I'd been lying to everyone, saying that I was happy being back.

I wasn't.

I felt complete, whole, warm, loved. I don't know. Wherever I was at, it was a good place. I didn't see Mom there, but it was a good place, whether it was Heaven or not. I was done and I was fine with being done, only my friends brought me back and...

I sang. Months of lying to them, and it all stopped once that demon forced me to sing my heart out in front of everyone. That no, they hadn't "saved" me, I wasn't in some hell dimension or anyplace bad. I was happy, and they had ruined it all by selfishly pulling me back to Earth - without asking Dawn or Giles or Spike about it too, because I'm figuring that the guys must have known that those three would have said "no" to their little plan.

Demon went away for the immediate future. I felt like crap for lying to my friends, everyone felt like crap for what they had done, Giles left town and left me alone, and I ended up making out with Spike.

All in all, I can safely say that I hate singing now.

Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: BtVS
Word Count: 422

theatrical muse

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