236 - What does respect mean to you?

Jun 21, 2008 12:45

It means you give me the respect I've deserved after all the years I've saved the world over and over again. Even Xander told the potentials (back before they were Slayers) that I'd earned their respect and trust.

Of course, it didn't matter much once I got thrown out of my house.

I had a plan. I was the one in charge, and then Robin, Faith, Giles, Willow, Xander… even Dawn all turned on me. Okay, to be fair, Faith didn't actually "turn on me" since she was the one who ended up leading the girls once I'd gotten thrown out of my own home by my baby sister, but still. I had a plan to stop Caleb and The First by going back to that vineyard and figuring out where their source of power was coming from. It would have worked.


I think it would have worked. I guess it doesn't really matter now, though, because I got the Scythe and everyone was all sorry to me about what had happened. And can I say how much I really hated Rona right then? She'd been Little Miss Bitchy to me ever since I saved her butt once she'd arrived in Sunnydale.

I think what Anya said hurt me the worst, though, for some reason. She said I wasn't better than anybody because I was born the Slayer. She just said I was "luckier" than everyone else and that meant I didn't deserve to have respect or to lead.


See, here's the thing. I've fought off how many apocalypses? I've killed how many bad guys? I've died -- twice. I've done it all and I really didn't want to, especially after moving from Los Angeles to Sunnydale. I wanted to quit and be done with it all, but instead Giles and his lame-spelling of "vampire"-book forced me back into it all. (Technically, it was after I'd learned about The Harvest and all of that, but the book figured into it highly!)

I've saved people that I didn't want to save. I've fought people that I didn't want to fight. (Willow? Angelus? Any of these names ring a bell?) It just… I deserve it. Faith thought that she was the only one who wasn't getting respect back in high school, and she was wrong. Look, I might be the "good Slayer" which makes me boring since I'm not walking around wearing leather and smoking cigarettes, but it doesn't mean that I don't deserve a teensy bit of respect.

Plus, I died and was brought back against my wishes, so clearly there was no respect for the dead right there. Honestly, guys, am I asking for too much here?

Muse: Buffy Summers
Fandom: BtVS
Word Count: 449
OOC Note: Lyrics are from "Believe" by Sprung Monkey, featured in the pilot of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

theatrical muse

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