May 11, 2005 18:45
so what do i do?
im stuck
still wish i was a vampire
i hate life
i wonder what the highest part on my house is
im always sick
i have like a bizzilion physical problems
ranging from stpid sprains to fucking bipolar manic depressive disorder
its fucking gay being me
i know that other people have it harder then me
so dont leave any stupid ass comment thats like
"oh you dont have it that hard bla bla bla"
causei dont wnat to fucking hear it
cuase having it hard is what you percieve it as
does everyone want to hear the first paragraph to my essay about freedom?
"most people long 4 "freedom" or "independence" whatever you want to call it. the wine and bicker about our "fucked up" system and how nothings has been emancipated. how no ones any more free then they were -60- sixty years ago, because we still have suttle, subliminal locks binding us to whatever we think being enslaved might be. for example going to school, going to work, and all the media "bullshit" that influences anything we do thus binding us to it."-endof paragraph 1. this is the part where im supposed to say "open our eyes, freedom is what you make of it" but im not going to. because while writing this i over threw my own point
and i relized that we all are always being bound down.
we have free will
but not the power to use it
you know basically 6 major people own all the companys on tv and all the radio stations and shit?
its ridiculous how much our lives are influenced.
if viacomm. the company who owns like every channel, decided that they wanted bush to be re-elected even tho thats not right by law
they could
they could get enough people to want to
and they could pass it
know what?
i am stil gonna say "open your eyes"
cause people need to realize that we all are bound
and we need to break away
back to my original, original point. life is perception
everything is what you make of it
and i percieve some events in my life as hard