All I Want is Everyting

Nov 24, 2006 17:21

My day sucked. I ate like a freaking pig. Two slices of pie and a bunch of leftovers from yesterday's meal. Atleast I went to the gym, though. Tomorrow I'm going to start my 'healthy eating' and fitness thing. I want to lose some weight just in time for upcoming Christmas and New Years parties and just parties in general.

I am already thinking of what to put on my Christmas list. Tons of clothes and a few pairs of shoes for sure. I also really want a new digital camera. Maybe a nikon coolpix or something. Kate Moss had one in that commercial. Whatever, and i'll be getting a laptop for my birthday in a few months (haha okay more like 6), so I guess I shouldn't ask for that.

So that's hardly anything, but hey i'm brain storming here.
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