1.I really love animals. I've had about 50+ rabbits at one point. I used to have a pet duck named quackers. He ate spaghetti. I've had like every animal possible because my dad loved them too.
2.I never felt like I belonged in school, never felt that high school connection with my "friends" there. Never felt like they gave a shit about me at the end because apparently I lost them or maybe they just never liked me at all and played along, all except for Jessica.
3.No matter what anyone says Jessica Lee Gillen is my bestfriend and no one can ruin that. She knows me better than I know myself, we have that sort of connection most people wish they had with their friends.
4.I don't have many regrets in life.
5.My boyfriend and I could of met sooner, like 4 years sooner, we went to the same parties in elementary school and he used to hit on my exbestfriend. crazy. Neither of us remember seeing eachother though.
6.I'm still convinced he wouldn't of liked me back then.
7.I love him to death. I'm positive that he's my soulmate.
8.I've felt more for one person in the past 4 months and some odd days than I have ever in my life so far.
9.I like to write a lot, especially in the middle of the night, I have notebooks stacked with things I've written about everything possible.
10.As of right now I have no idea what I want to do with my life and it scares me to death. I have suggestions but no solid ideas that I'm confirming.
11.I'm convinced I have some sort of socializing problem, I'm ridiculously shy around people I don't know and get stuck talking to and just look like a moron, unless I'm drunk or somewhat comfortable around them.
12.I like poetry a lot.
13.charles bukowski is my favorite poet.
14.I'm a big fan of Chuck Palahniuk.
15.I used to be a big "scenester, hipstir" whatever you want to call it.
16.From freshman year to about spring of senior year I went to atleast one show a week, if not more. I made a lot of friends that way and never had to pay to go into them.
17.I know way too much about music.
18.My life is completely different now, I hardly go to shows anymore.
19.Two years ago I joined this thing called myspace.com and no one was on it really and now its a fucking empidemic and I made a name for myself on it. I have a ridiculous amount of friends. I'm BROOKLYN.
20.I would go to shows and have guys coming up to me asking if i was jenn/brooklyn from myspace. once i had a bunch of them screaming my name so i ran the other way with jess.
21.Sometimes I regret having it still.
22.I really don't want to get a job, I've been putting it off for months.
23.I met this girl named Shannon at a show and we both stold tee shirts from a little scene boy and it was bfffff at first site. i miss her.
24.I don't sleep at night - but I can sleep all day if you let me.
25.I hate talking on the phone but I'm always on one.
26.I hate texting more.
27.I do enjoy downloading ringtones though.
28.I used to want to take up photography but all my cameras broke so I took it as a sign.
29.I cant actually sing really well, but I'm too shy most of the time to do it infront of people i don't know very well.
30.I always wanted to join the choir in school but never had the balls to. I was in the chorus in elementary school.
31.I was in a band for about a day once. I sang. It ruled. Jess pretended to play bass. It was so funny.
32.People always think they know who I am or how I am but I tend to surprise them. I'm very hard to read and people tend to think I'm cold hearted or a bitch; I'm actually very emotional& I used to be the most insecure person ever.
33.This is the first year of my life where I feel pretty good about myself and feel a lot less insecure.
34.I enjoyed doing this.