Interesting of Evenings

Aug 23, 2004 11:18

I dont really care anymore I shall just keep it open to ze public. I was just guna change it cause of a certain someone. Meh.

Today, is a sleeping day. Because I am very much hung over. Last night was the drunkest I have ever been. I woke up and my bed was covered in dirt, I had a goose egg on the back of my head, my right foot is swollen and bruised (hurts to walk on it) and my knees are bruised and torn, so are my elbows somewhat. I fell too many times. I hit the cement and passed out. They sent Dustin to help me. Anyone other than him would have been fine. He hates me and there is tension there. In my drunken state I wanted to prove I didnt need him so I walked off. And hes all fine, fuck you. If I had been anyone else, in my state, no matter what I said he would have helped me. I then somehow ended up in the rivene and he was sent to get me and I just kept bawling telling him to go away. Im trying my hardest here guys haha. He then threw my purse at me and went back to his darling Lauren. I cracked my head and tried to crawl up the huge hill but couldnt make it, I kept falling. I then slowly made my way up into the forest where I bawled cause I was lost.

I ended up calling Jill and Lance's cell. Trying to reach Lauren. But of course, Im horrible. Haha... I just started sobbing on the phone with Jill and eventually Lauren found me. With her mother. And I said some stuff to her mom cause she was trash talking Lauren. Sigh, guess I wont be hanging around her any more.

I always feel treated differently. Im not asking for attention. I know Dustin left cause I told him to and was fed up with my stupidity. But the point being, how come whenever Im drunk, they just leave me? I stayed with Dustin. He told me to leave repeatedly but I stayed with him. I stayed with Lauren, Tawn, G... but they just... "Oh Jess will be fine, leave her" I FUCKING SMACKED MY HEAD ON FUCKING PAVEMENT FOR CHRISTS SAKE I HAVE A GODDAMN GOOSE EGG!" I guess, I just dont say anything and. I mean Im obviously in pain I just dont go up to everyone saying I hurt myself or some crap. I dono.

Fuck it. I want to puke.
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