CD news

Jan 20, 2010 20:59

First of all andymori, who will release a new album in February, 3rd. It's simply called ファンファーレと熱狂 (fanfare to nekkyou) and contains 13 songs.

Release: 02.03.10      Price: 2,200yen

1. 1984
3. ずっとグルーピー (zutto GROUPIE)
4. 僕がハクビシンだったら (boku ga hakubishin dattara)
5. 16
6. ビューティフルセレブリティー (BEAUTIFUL CELEBRITY)
7. Transit in Thailand
8. クレイジークレーマー (CRAZY CLAIMER)
9. ナツメグ (NUTMEG)
10. バグダッドのボディーカウント (BAGDAD no BODY COUNT)
11. オレンジトレイン (ORANGE TRAIN
13. グロリアス軽トラ (GLORIOUS keitora)
 Next one is 藍坊主 (aobozu). They also going to release a new album in February, 17th. It's called ミズカネ (mizu kane), will be avaliable in two versions. The limited one arrives with a DVD, called 【aobozu music clips 2004-2010】.

Release: 02.17.10   Price: 3,800 / 3,000yen

CD Tracklist
1.低迷宮の月 (teimei miya no tsuki)
2.ラストソング (LAST SONG)
3.オレンジテトラポット (ORANGE TETLA POT) I'm not sure about the reading
4.ポルツ (POLZ)
5.おいしいパン食べたい (oishii pan tabetai)
6.グッドパエリア (GOOD PAELLA)
7.氷に似た感応 (koori ni nita kanou)
8.創造的進化 (souzou teki shinka)
9.マザー * (MOTHER)
10.伝言 * (dengon)
11.沈黙(月まで響くような彼らの幻灯) (chinmoku (tsuki made hibiku you na karera no gentou))
12.名前の無い色 * (namae no nai iro)
13.いわし雲 (iwashi gumo)

Songs marked with an * were already released as single.

DVD Tracklist
鞄の中、心の中 (kaban no naka, kokoro no naka)
ウズラ (uzura)
瞼の裏には (mabuta no ura ni wa)
スプーン (SPOON)
桜の足あと (sakura no ashiato)
ジムノペディック (Gymnopédies)*
ハローグッバイ (HELLO GOOD-BYE)
コイントス (coin toss)
空を作りたくなかった ( sore wo tsukuri taku nakatta)
言葉の森 (kotoba no mori)
名前の無い色 (namae no nai iro)
伝言 (dengon)

* The Gymnopédies, published in Paris starting in 1888, are three piano compositions written by French composer and pianist Erik Satie.

藍坊主, cd news, andymori

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