Blowing Away the Smoke and Breaking the Mirrors

Jan 16, 2011 01:10

Webb could honestly not believe he was doing this. His entire career was distilled down to 500 pages of Agency paperwork. Every infraction, mission summary, award, all of it, listed in there and today Annie was going to learn about it all. Nothing in the file was redacted, granted it only contained parts of ops he was directly involved in as an agent, but it was there.

He was the one that wanted to be honest with her, and it meant in as much of his life as possible, including professionally. There were still things he was unable to share with her, but his personal career history, including his career awards.

Webb asked Annie to be in reception room 208 by four. He had a large pot of coffee and two mugs waiting. Trish was bringing dinner in at six. He was there to answer any questions she might have, or if she needed clarification.

He hoped this wasn't going to prove to be a mistake.

[rp] freshoffthefarm, [verse] covert affairs--future

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