Dec 04, 2005 13:53
so i pretty much never use this baby anymore..
supposed to be looking up crap for the freakin wedding thing for christian witness, but listening to o-town and playing on this freakin thing instead...
my weekend was actually pretty fun.
friday...hung out with CHANADA, linds, mister jacob and chris.
ive never been in starbucks that long in my entire life. i saw a guy who looked like santa...sandi & i asked random people how they were doing...jacob and chris were mean to old ladies. linds...almost died and nearly choked me to death.
we put up our FAKE christmas tree...we normally get real ones...but i dunno we got a real one this year for some reason. its cute though...then hung out with chanada and nicoley. went to doc bernsteins then went to the beach and almost got raped by gangster lovers. then we got lost. then they came over...and we all played games on our cell phones.
and that defines a fun weekend for me.
pathetic? i think not.
oh yeah. my fish almost died last night. sandi scared the crap outta me...sheesh. lalala...otown rocks.
the end.