May 16, 2007 01:08
so today i went with a friend to an abortion clinic.
a choice i have never had to make a friend of mine did.
and it was awful. not because of what she chose to do.
its her choice.
it just makes me appreciate all that women have fought to do.
a man.. a MAN stood in front of the buidling holding a picture
of a dead fetus saying "though shault not kill" a fucking MAN!
it turned out to be such an ironic trip.
i met some hippy in the parking lot.
he was like cliche hippy..
him and his girlfriend traviling.. going to "festies"
she found out while they were traveling..
anyway he went and talked to the MAN protesting.
apparantly its "dangerous" for protesters to be outside an abortion clinic
forget how dangerous it was when the coat hangers were up our cunts.