Aug 04, 2009 20:51
The UPS man made a wonderful mistake today. He had a refrigerated package to deliver to someone in my apartment complex. Instead of bringing it to the unit ending in "05," he was about to leave it on the ground in front of my unit, which ends in "15." Luckily for the intended recipient, my neighbor offered to sign for the package and hold it for me. Both she and the UPS man left notes on my door explaining where my package -- which wasn't my package -- could be retrieved. When I got home from work, I was quite surprised to find out I'd been sent anything. I don't get a lot of packages, so I was excited and went straight across to my neighbor's door to see what it could be. Of course, we realized the delivery driver's mistake, so I carried the box -- which turned out to be medicine -- to the correct address and hand-delivered it to that resident.
That's not even the fun part. Well, maybe for you reading this, since the next 2-and-a-half hours were spent talking with my neighbor on her patio (not the addressee; the one who volunteered to sign for and refrigerate the package.) I've just now come inside to stay. I still had on my work clothes, hadn't eaten dinner, hadn't fed my cat and forgot to text my best friends that I was home safe... they worry :).
Lorraine and I have so much in common! I kept thinking I should get going, but we just talked and talked and talked!
She talks about interesting things. She speaks honestly, sincerely and passionately, without worrying about being judged or disbelieved. We share the pain of stolen childhoods, the struggle with forgiving unapologetic abusers and the journey of rising above that challenge. I don't have to mince words with her when I have something to say about God. She understands who He is and what our lives are. We share an appreciation of the beautiful things God puts into our world. We understand one another's joy in the smallest blessings, and the bittersweet gift of hard-learned wisdom. I can communicate with her regarding those ideas that mock all attempts at definition in the human tongue... just by getting close enough to the concept. She knows what I'm getting at. I know the feelings she's talking about.
I am ecstatic to have Lorraine for a neighbor. I can't wait to say good morning to her when I leave for work tomorrow, and good evening when I return. I want to cook a nice dinner for us to share. Her son is teaching himself to play the guitar, much as I am, so I will have someone to practice with whose patio is directly opposite mine.
Thank you, God. XD