Aug 09, 2006 19:39
Apparently Anna had livejournal tell me I need to update. I had no idea you could do that. Hmm, got a really good score on the boards and I started my clinical years. Psych was ok, but I am having so much fun right now in internal medicine that I don't know where I will end up. Craig and I are still together celebrating two years together. I moving to Fresno in a couple weeks to bust out some rotations there. Everything else in between is the random conflicts I've had with various residents/interns/attendings which I eventually get over and move one from. I do continue to fixate on those things for a good while longer than I ought to. I've tried not to let my neuroses bleed onto public forums so much anymore, but I can if anyone is really interested.
so how about that for a quick note to catch people up to speed.
I'll try to write something more substantial later.