Jul 19, 2005 21:29
i didn't realize how drunk i must have been until i read that last post. that's what you get for taking a week and a half off from drinking...it was fun though. angela refuses to get a livejournal, and she has her reasons, i just don't remember what they are. i don't really blame her, livejournal is getting really really boring. hence my recent break from it.
so chance has this new thing where he wrestles with peoples' arms, legs, even faces...when i'm doing pilates he'll pounce out of nowhere and bite my nose or do something else that's equally surprising and painful. so i'm all scratched up...and i don't really know how to teach him not to do that b/c when i yell at him he sulks, so i don't yell at him. oh well...1.5 months until he's officially a grown-up cat, and then he'll just sleep pretty much all the time and i won't be woken up at 6 AM by an insane kitten pouncing on my head and eating my hair. it's still kind of cute though. and the more i think about it, it's a great way to kick certain people out at the end of the night...i mean, would you stay if you had a 95% chance of being woken up at the crack of dawn because there was a very persistant kitten sinking his teeth into your big toe? haha that's actually kind of convenient.
my family is coming up on sunday. i'm so mad. they just saw me 3 weeks ago. i don't understand this obsessive need of theirs to see me constantly. AND they want me to stay in the hotel w/ them for a few nights. why would i ever do that? first of all, i'd actually have to pack myself and the cat to go somewhere that's only 20 minutes away; second of all, i have to work most of the days they'll be here,; and third of all, spending more than 4 hours in a row with them never fails to make me want to go on a killing rampage. if you hear of any mass-murders in the city, you'll know that i was forced to spend the night w/ them.
i'm out.