
Jun 29, 2005 16:28

florida was...well, imagine pushing your wheelchair-bound grandmother around a crowded theme park for 57189573920217 hours in 97 degree heat with the rest of your family complaining and whining about things most people don't even think of, with no illegal substances of any kind in your system, and then multiply it by 1000 and you'll have some vague idea of where i was at.

no, really it wasn't that bad. i exaggerated. kind of. i really did have to push around my grandmother (mom has a bad back, sisters are enjoying the last years of responsibility-free childhood, dad stayed at the hotel doing work most of the time) and let me tell you, she's no lightweight. i almost lost her a couple of times going down the steeper wheelchair ramps. but hey, it was a great way to tan my arms, and now i am back and i don't have to see, fight with, live under the same roof as, or pretend to be nice to my family until probably thanksgiving. yay!

chance was perfect, as usual. you'd think a t ride, a plane ride, and being in totally unfamiliar environments for 1.5 weeks would scare a 4 month old kitten, but no, he was his usual crazy-but-still-well-behaved self. people on both my planes kept asking me if i had him on tranquilizers b/c he was so good. for the record, i didn't.

also, i am broke. i think i should start a charity. the danielle fund. you can make a difference in my life. make all checks payable to me. donate $100 or more and you will recieve a free pen that i'll steal from work (retail value 29 cents).
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