Jul 20, 2006 13:48
I'm just a summer intern, sure. And you're a big important lawyer. But what makes you think you can just come into my cubicle and sit down at my computer when I'm not there?! Or, *($%*@%* Thomas with the toupee, (who I think might be taking cocaine, because he has WAY too much energy with which to suck up to anyone and everyone, except of course me), when talking to the woman in the cubicle across from me, first leans on my cubicle, shaking the wall of my cubicle, then stretches out, placing a hand on either side of the entry of my cubicle, completely blocking the entry/exit of my cubicle, and then walks right into MY cubicle to throw something out in MY trash.
Get the hell out of my cubicle! It's mine for another two weeks until I have to move buildings due to the damned reorg, and I want it to myself!