Title: Underappreciated Tea-Boys Unite!
Rating: PG (violence, one
dead President)
Series: Doctor Who/Torchwood, The Colbert Report, Tek Jansen
Characters/Pairings: Ianto(/Jack), Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Bobby, Stephen, Meangarr
Spoilers: New Who S3; Torchwood S1; Tek Jansen #1
Disclaimer: Work of parody; not real; not mine.
It's the day of
Children in Need, and you know what that means: crossover time.
Side story to
Truthiness And Relative Dimensions In Space. In which Bobby is on a secret undercover mission, Torchwood is having a hard time functioning without Jack, and Cardiff is being menaced by a Tek Jansen villain. (So, pretty much business as usual.)
Beta, as always, by the sterling
'Couldn't we luck out, just once, and get an asexual embodiment of the pure evil that builds up under the sink?' )