Title: Good Times
Series: SteweyJewy Love
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Stephen and Jon
Author's notes: this was very spontaneous. Hopefully there won't be too many mistakes. If there are, yell at me!
Disclaimer: Persons and shows are not my property, however the personality types are. Mentioning of television networks and shows are for entertainment purposes only.
Summary: Stephen was let down by his former lover Anderson. Stuck in a thunderstorm, Stephen can't help but feel vulnerable. Jon comes along after getting cought in the storm himself and finds Stephen to be shivering. Being the nice man that he is, Jon warms Stephen up.
"God damnit, Andy. Your office is right there!" Stephen was huddled under a tree, arms wrapped around himself, and teeth chattering. He was waiting for Anderson, however it was ten past three. Stephen knew he wasn't going to show.
Stephen was in the worst place during a thunderstorm, but he figured that being a little dry staying away from the threat of hypothermia was much higher on his priorities. He cared about the short term at the moment, he gave little thought to the long term.
He watched the park-goers rush to the nearby buildings, yelling angrily at themselves because their late corporate lunches were ruined. Stephen thought to himself why he didn't get up the nerve to actually run out in the rain, but there was a moment in his life that reminded him to stay out of thunderstorms.
"Well, this turned out to be fantastic," Stephen said to himself. He wasn't pleased with Andy. This was the seventh time that he a flaked on a date with him and Stephen wasn't looking too kindly to the silver-haired fox. "I swear, Anderson the next time I see you...."
Moments of silence passed. There was no thunder, no lightning that lit up the sky, just silence. Stephen hadn't even noticed the cars splashing through the puddles, he only noticed his own breathing. He was starting to shiver more violently, his suit was not the warmth that he had always thought it provided.
More silence fell, until Stephen heard some feet padding against the wet cement. "Who would that be?" Stephen whispered to himself. The noise got closer, and as it got closer, the beat sped up.
Stephen looked down at his feet, he was leaning up against the tree, and he smiled. Maybe that was Anderson.
He looked up to see a barefoot Jon Stewart carrying a pair of shoes and dreanched in rain. He walked up to Stephen and grasped his cold wet hand around Stephen's. "What are you doing here?"
Stephen was embarrassed. How could he explain himself? There some sort of awkwardness that Jon wouldn't understand. "I, I uh. Was waiting for someone."
"Out in this cold rain? Stephen, your frozen to the bone." Jon had put both hands around Stephen. Jon was amazed to see that he had spent so much time out here where there was no one else.
"Stephen you need to get warm."
"I-I know. I would have left, but I just got so cold."
"Come here."
Jon grapsed Stephen in his arms, bringing them closer together. He was delicate with Stephen he was always the small sheepish one when it came to them as a pair. Jon's hands focused upon the curves on Stephen's back, it was a different experience becuase a suit hid everything. Now that there was water soaking the material, every curve, muscle and bone was felt beneath Jon's hands.
"Jon, that. That feels really nice."
"I kinda figured you'd like it. You stopped shivering."
Stephen returned the favor, "You know, let's just stay out here. I'm liking this."
Jon reached up and placed his lips on Stephen's. He let out a soft moan of pleasure, something Stephen hadn't heard in a while. The two men backed up against the tree again and Jon dugg Stephen's back into the bark. It was pleasant for both of them, Jon had the power, the control, Stephen was just going along for the ride, he didn't mind what Jon did, as long as it was pleasurable.
The taller man threw his hands up to the shorter one's face controlling how their tongues corresponded with each other. Rain dripped between their skin, making the moment more succulent, sweet and refreashing. Jon had been working the tie off of Stephen while he threw off his suit jacket.
The weather had turned for the worse, the rain had turned into hail, but both men didn't care. Stephen was all up in arms with Jon's undershirt being grasped and ungrasped. He was about ready to pull it off, to let the rain drip down his sweating body. Jon had worked his way to getting Stephen's shirt off, That had illustrated Jon's power compared to his own.
"Jon, can I just say," he moaned, "I fucking love it when you do this to me."
He smiled and Jon drove his hands into Stephen's pants, grasping his cock in between fingers. As the two men moved downward, their equillibrium had disapeared, forcing them into a giant puddle in the grass. They didn't mind, more liquids just made their movements more fluid.
Stephen had no time to think about how was probably watching this, but the thing that was staying on his mind was why Jon was here. It made him think that Maybe Jon was someone more dependable. He got him warm just like he had said and they went even further. As Jon teased Stephen's penis, he let out a sharp low scream.
Stephen blushed and bit his bottom lip, "I was thinking, and you caught me off my guard."
Jon kissed him on the lips and pulled one hand out from Stephen's pants and ran it though his brunette hair.
"And what were you thinking?"
"I love you so god damn much."