Title: Lusitania (I May Be Sinking)
Description: Because when Stephen and "Stephen" don't line up just right, Jon will clutch that mic tight and be the straight-man.
Pairing: Jon/Stephen/"Stephen"
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Like everybody else, I've always been intrigued with Stephen's id and wondered about the possibility of him forgetting which one goes
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Comments 9
<*lj-cut text="your teaser text here">
The body of your story goes here.
Just take those asterisks out, and you're all set. If you could edit the post and fix that up, that'd be great (mods aren't able to edit the content or coding of posts). Thanks a lot!
Also the title, I'm a bit of a history nerd but are you referring to the ship, carrying American passengers that the German U-boats sunk?
Haha, I'm also a bit of a junkie with that as well, so yes, I was referring to that ship -- always have to sneak in a little bit of world history =)
I thought so! All references to world history makes me want to write a historical AU of sorts. Or read them. They never cease to fascinate me.
My heart is pounding now.
Well played.
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